Spirit Medicine Workshop: 3 White Light Meditations

Dear Student, Greetings! This is your NewEarth University (NEU) Workshop ENTRY for a Workshop replay: 3 White Light Meditations ~ A Toolset for Strategic Inner Focus by Sri Jana. This 2-hour Workshop was recorded live. Its video replay is embedded AT the Workshop – Welcome Page below; it’s not downloadable, so you won’t own it. A downloadable PDF is embedded. There is no email sent with a link. Follow Sri Jana’s protocols:

Important Online Navigation Once you’ve reviewed Workshop Page content, click there at its bottom-left small box: Mark Complete. From taking that key action… THIS page – upon your return – shows at top-left ↑ NEU Course Status: Completed. From then on.. your page below ↓ shows Status GREEN √ check-mark for access unless you forgot to log in first. Friendly reminder: If you ever have issue – clicking into the page below – you may not be logged-in from account credentials, especially if using a new device.

Thank you for interest to study at the NewEarth University. InJoy viewing this presentation.


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