Intro to REAL History Workshop

Dear Colleague, Greetings! This is your NewEarth University ENTRY PAGE for an Intro to REAL History Workshop: The Hidden Heart of History taught LIVE (& recorded) by School of Consciousness & Spirituality Fellow, Dave Emery After successful enrollment you have auto-access BELOW Follow Dave’s protocols:

Important Online Navigation Once you’ve entered the Workshop – Welcome Page below, in that page you’ll need to follow directions to click a small box called, Mark Complete. This box-button is at the very bottom-left of that page. From taking this key action – upon your return later – THIS page will then show at top-left ↑ NEU Course Status: Completed … From then on, the Workshop Page below will show: Status GREEN √ check-mark for access (unless you forgot to log in first). So, take that action-step “Mark Complete” once you’ve studied the WELCOME PAGE.

Workshop (replay) now has your embedded video-player & PDFs. Friendly reminder: If you ever have issue accessing the workshop below you may not be logged-in first from your account credentials, especially if using a new device. Thank you for interest to study at NEU. InJoy this unique, cutting-edge experience with sacred scholar, Dave Emery.


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