Dear Animal Lover, Greetings! This is the NewEarth University (NEU) main ENTRY PAGE for your ANIMAL HEALING WORKSHOP by School of Consciousness & Spirituality faculty member, Nicole Pinter-Krainer. Please follow Nicole’s protocols: Upon tuition enrollment you have auto-access to Animal Healing – Welcome Page with all the info you need. No link is emailed.
Important Online Navigation Once you’ve read Workshop Page content, click a small box / button at that page (bottom-left) called, “Mark Complete” that activates the online learning system. From taking that key action – upon your return – THIS page will then show at top-left ↑ NEU Course Status: Completed. From then on… your Workshop Page below ↓ shows Status GREEN √ check-mark – WELCOME PAGE for access (unless you forgot to log in first). So, take that action-step (Mark Complete) for ez navigation. Friendly reminder: If you ever have issue – clicking into the workshop page below – you may not be logged in first from account credentials, especially if using a new device.
Thank you for interest to study about our beauty-full animals at the NewEarth University. InJoy this empowering healing experience with Nicole Pinter-Krainer.
⇓ CLICK BELOW Workshop Page