HeartSelf-Intelligence e-Course


Welcome to Dr. Margret Rueffler’s Digital Classroom (2023)

Cutting-edge curriculum in HeartSelf Intelligence that is affiliated with the NewEarth University (NEU) School of Consciousness & Spirituality. Dr. Margret Rueffler, PhD, has been a faculty senior advisor at the NewEarth University since 2017.


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*** NOTE: To actually enroll in Dr. Rueffler’s affiliate curriculum presented here you’ll be further guided into her own website. So please note if you wish to enroll… you’ll be leaving this NEU website. Thank you!

Thank you for following these required NEU protocols. InJoy your studies.





Culled from decades of experience, her comprehensive eCourse is designed to help you take control of your life while discovering the inner heart-space.

If you’re looking to connect more deeply with HeartSelf-Intelligence, you’re in the right place.  And if you desire more peace of mind this course may be for you.

In HeartSelf-Intelligence, learn how EVERY day is a day to live in harmony with all life in alignment with Source.



During this unique eCourse you’ll discover:

  • the inner heart space

  • inspiring wisdom

  • how to raise your vibrational frequency

  • how to raise your level of awareness

  • alignment with your infinite potential

  • a cellular to cosmic approach

  • and more …


Meet Dr. Margret Rueffler, your guide on this journey to HeartSelf-Intelligence

Margret Rueffler, PhD is a transpersonal psychologist, an ardent researcher and international seminar and workshop facilitator. She has explored and taught extensively in different cultures with different religions and belief systems.

Introducing her methodological and experiential approach, “Unfolding the HeartSelf-Intelligence” in various universities throughout Asia, especially Indonesia, as well as in Indonesian prison environments, has proven to be a wonderful tool for young and old to learn to listen to their inner voice while connecting to a higher, deeper, innermost Self.


In this consciousness-expanding course you’ll receive:

  • HeartSelf-Intelligence in 7 Modules – Course guidelines

  • Digital Books

  • 7, one-hour interactions with Margret through LIVE video-conferences

  • 7 Meditation videos

  • Supplemental articles and graphics

  • Dialog & Feedback

  • International course participation



*** NOTE: The link below takes you out of NEU into Dr Rueffler’s website

Learn more about this affiliate course:





What students have said:
“The HeartSelf-Intelligence methodology and practices have infinitely expanded my understanding of what being human is and the potential that comes with that.
It is truly life changing and life giving.”  ~ Lucas
“Through my practice of the HeartSelf-Intelligence methodology, I have come to realize the truth of who I am – my physical sensations, my emotions, my thoughts, my energy, and so much more.  In turn, this awareness allows me to make greater conscious choice in my life, from big to small, that aligns me with the safe space of my unconditional power and love, aka my HeartSelf-Intelligence.”   ~ Analee



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