Tag Archive for: politics

political ponerology by andrew m. lobaczewski

Political Ponerology, a science on the nature of evil adjusted for political purposes, is an analysis of what Andrew Lobaczewski calls Macro-social Evil: large scale evil that overtakes whole societies and nations, and has done so again and again since time immemorial. When man contemplates history, as it is, he is forced to realize that he is in the iron grip

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8th fire – first nation relationships

WHAT IS THE 8TH FIRE? 8TH Fire draws from an Anishinaabe prophecy that declares now is the time for Aboriginal peoples and the settler community to come together and build the ‘8TH Fire’ of justice and harmony. For more information: http://www.cbc.ca/8thfire/

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russell brand on revolution

For years Russell Brand has been one of Britain’s most popular comedians, but recently he has also emerged as a leading voice of Britain’s political left. He has taken part in anti-austerity protests, spoken at Occupy Wall Street protests and marched with the hacker collective Anonymous. A recovering addict...

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