Tag Archive for: organic food

raw chocolate from the source by juliette bryant (cacao recipe)

  Article Written and shared to the NEU Library by Juliette Bryant – Faculty at the School of Health & Wellness of the NewEarth University Hi, my name is Juliette Bryant – a raw chocolatier, nutritionist, healer and mum. I have spent years teaching people about raw cacao and how to make the most delicious and nutritious chocolate. Despite raw

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state-of-the-art nutrition

the best nutrition possible for your overall health & well-being Having entered the School of Health & Wellness, we recommend at the gate that you review key Wellness Sovereignty insights.  Engaged in this life-changing new earth paradigm we suggest you now consider what kind of a diet would best support an awakening, radiant, electro-magnetic human design. What kind of diet will

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alkalinity – life force energy (article)

here's how life-force energy works: it’s all about conductivity pulsing without obstruction…the next thing to understand is that the human body is alkaline acidic substances, which make up the bulk of today’s mainstream diet, do not conduct energy as alkaline substances do The more sun-fed and hydrating a food is, the more rapidly it pulses and conducts energy-rich nutrients into the

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