Tag Archive for: 5g info

STOP 5G: International Appeal

  Your downloadable 18-pg PDF International Appeal to stop the mass 5g technology roll-out on Earth and in Space. Gratitude to the creators; and please share widely as we are very grateful for this important resource submitted to the NEU free library. Gratitude also to Dr Ash for contributing the feature photo, Sunset on Turtle Mountain, from her private collection.

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5G Serious Warning From Scientists

  Gratitude for the creators of this precious resource. Please share widely: A 2017 massive warning from 180 scientists and doctors from 35 countries, recommending a moratorium on the roll-out of the fifth generation or 5G technology (10-page downloadable PDF): Scientist-5G-appeal-2017   Gratitude to C. Broussard for contributing this photo.

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