5g Film!


MUST SEE! Educational full-length film (March 2019) by Sacha Stone on the stunning 5G Apocalypse. Five months in the making, (and edited by Guille Soto of our NE Media) this definitive documentary exposes the sophisicated high-density 5G existential threat to humanity. Featured in this film: weapons development experts, biologists, molecular & cellular biologists, blood microscopists, activists, as well as good leaders on the frontline, like NEU’s own beloved Director of Sciences & Fellow, Thomas Joseph Brown. Learn what this 5G technology is — how it was conceived, and where it is intended to take people and planet.

We are drawing the line here…and we are doing so with the full fire of consciousness. We thank NewEarth Project founder, Sacha Stone for his vision and gracious gift to humanity: 5G APOCALYPSE: The Extinction Event

(77 minutes) Get out your big bowl of organic popcorn …

2020 update: This free film has gone viral with more than 1 Million views at various social media outlets.

Please share far and wide. Thank you.

2021 update: Our entire NewEarth Channel was censored and de-platformed / terminated in 2021!

You may find this doc shared on other channels by our many supporters. Thank you with love.


© NewEarth University

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