Natural Law Resource: Inherent Natural Law



This brief article is part of a natural law remedies series compiled by the faculty members of NEU’s School of Natural Law. 

Gratitude to Connie B. for sharing this photo from her private collection.



Inherent Natural Law

Natural law is the law as it is written on the heart of every wo/man in the form of their conscience.

It is not something which can be written down or codified, nor ought it be.


“The general law of this [natural] society is that each member should assist the others in all their needs, as far as he can do so without neglecting his duties to himself-a law which all men must obey if they are to live conformably to their nature and to the designs of their common Creator; a law which our own welfare, our happiness, and our best interests should render sacred to each one of us. Such is the general obligation we are under of performing our duties; let us fulfil them with care if we would work wisely for our greatest good.

It is easy to see how happy the world would be if all men were willing to follow the rule we have just laid down. On the other hand, if each man thinks of himself first and foremost, if he does nothing for others, all will be alike miserable. Let us labour for the good of all men; they in turn will labour for ours, and we shall build our happiness upon the firmest foundations.

The end of the natural society established among men in general is that they should mutually assist one another to advance their own perfection and that of their condition.”   – Emmerich De Vattel, The Law of Nations


Although a full appreciation of natural law is inherently intuitive, the case for natural law can be supported from a rational scientific perspective.

The universal law of cause and effect has long been observed and is now an established ‘fact’ within the scientific community.  If the law of cause and effect is universal why do we not apply it in our daily lives?

Through the application of this most basic of laws we have all that is necessary to provide abundantly for all humankind.

When a wo/man’s deeds are expedited freely in the service of others, it stands to reason that she too shall receive.  When he uses his words to uplift others as opposed to putting them down, it stands to reason that he too shall be uplifted.  And when she thinks only positive and loving thoughts of others, she must surely be blessed with an abundance of love and positivity herself.


You are invited to study more about natural law at NEU’s School of Natural Law

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