Dr Nancy Ash: Education for a New Paradigm (podcast)


Photo of NEU co-founders: Rev Dr Nancy Ash and Sacha Stone in Sedona, Arizona – courtesy of J Ash, 2017


Magda Freedom Rod is host of The Visionary Lifestyle podcast. In this interview Magda and her guest, Reverend Dr. Nancy Ash sit down together under a beautiful tree surrounded by lush green rice patties of the NewEarth Haven – Bali, Indonesia during the 2017 NE Festival. NewEarth University (NEU) Co-founding Chancellor Ash speaks of re-calibrating education rooted in pure-truth for our new paradigm. In tandem with her daunting but doable duties as oversight to NEU, Dr. Nancy is also a senior faculty advisor at the School of The Living Arts – Learning & Education discipline; and the NEU School of Consciousness & Spirituality.

Tune-in at YouTube or listen through Visionary Lifestyle.com (click link below / once at that page scroll down to the very bottom left and click to begin the show). In this 2017 live interview, NewEarth University’s Dr. Ash offers a 360-view of new-paradigm, zero-point learning with an articulation of the ethos, history and formulation of NEU and its six schools. An excellent introduction for those learning about the global NewEarth movement and its fractal educational component. (This podcast interview is available at many platforms, e.g., YouTube, iTunes, visionarylifestyle.com, etc.)




VLP S4 7 Dr. Nancy Ash: Education for the New Paradigm


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