* NEU Staff favorite * A comprehensive, eye-opening film by NEU Fellow financial ethics advisor, Dr. David Martin. This is a must-see Economic History Magnum Opus created and narrated by Martin that will awaken viewers to what is truly happening in America. From the halls of parliaments to...
Tag Archive for: Fellows
american.R.evolution by NEU fellow, dr. david martin (2-hour film)
michael tellinger, founder of the ubuntu movement / neu fellow
Michael Tellinger is a longtime friend to the NewEarth Project, and is a Fellow of the NewEarth University. Michael was our 2017 NewEarth Festival key speaker at the NE Haven in Bali, Indonesia. Read his bio here: https://newearth.university/members/michael-tellinger/ Founder of the uBuntu Movement, Tellinger is a well known author, scientist, explorer, humanitarian and activist based in South Africa. His
ubuntu planet – home of the ubuntu liberation movement (website)
This resource is a comprehensive website of the Ubuntu movement, called, Ubuntu Planet with many educational resources including videos from original founder Michael Tellinger, a NewEarth University Fellow and longtime friend to the NewEarth Project. (My Town Rainbow Photo by Dr N Ash from her private collection.)