Declaration of Wellness Sovereignty



The following Declaration of Wellness Sovereignty was created and gifted to you by the many talented and devoted faculty members of the NewEarth University’s School of Health & Wellness.


Declaration of Wellness Sovereignty


Be it known that I, ___________________________________________________________, do hereby declare myself to be a sovereign individual; a living breathing human being endowed by my creator with certain natural rights.

I establish this statement as the first iteration of a living document and advanced directive adjusted to my contemporary health and wellness needs as well as those of my natural offspring.  This may or may not be in collaboration with health and wellness consultants of my choosing.  This statement is subject to change and/or revocation by my sovereign free will at any point and in perpetuity.

Recognizing that each person has the right make health care choices from an array of options that are aligned with Earth’s natural laws, I hereby recognize and give myself permission to seek and apply the safest, most technologically advanced and ecologically balanced health care regiments which are grounded in personal intuition, sacred neutrality, ancient wisdom and scientific technologies as applied to my contemporary needs and declarations.

I acknowledge that each individual has the right to declare themselves, each one, and an individual sovereign being, beholden to no healthcare authority save for their own.  Therefore my healthcare choices and expenditures are solely within my control and/or those of my designated proxy or next of kin.

My life force is sovereign, and my body, mind, spirit, soul and consciousness are the vehicles and vectors of my full sovereign expression.  Within and between all dimensions and time-streams and on all levels of existence, I establish that I AM in alignment with the do-no-harm principles of natural law as applied to my health and lifestyle.

In accordance with the aims and purposes stated herein, I claim full rights of refusal to receive any treatment against my sovereign free will and hereby and herewith declare myself to be free of any and all diagnostic frameworks or belief systems that do not support wellness paradigms that I have chosen, designated or herein indicated a qualitative preference for.  This applies to wellness modality, health organization, approach, designated professionals, facilities, etc.

I hereby and herewith further acknowledge and declare myself a natural human being, and I do reserve all my individual natural rights to make health and wellness choices such as are recognized to be inherent conditions of human existence and a function of my local, organic, and cultural adaptation.

Furthermore – and for the avoidance of doubt – I do hereby and herewith withdraw any express or implied consent to be recognized by or through any legal name or entity which I formerly registered in any healthcare industry, organization, or agent thereof, which may, by virtue of its registration under that name, be used against my will to exercise control or power over me.  I reserve the right to use or reference the same, without liability; to exercise any and all natural rights as may from time to time be required.


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NEU’s School of Health & Wellness was created to:

  • Lead humanity to consciously remember their civilized state of vibrant health & wellbeing

  • Empower all to transcend modern illness, restoring strength, vitality, and the beauty of natural being

  • Research and share resources while developing course curriculum and toolkits for embodying sovereign health & wellbeing

~ School of Health & Wellness ~


to affirm the healing art of living well

by honoring our magnificent natural sovereign design

as an integrated Spirit and body-mind


© NewEarth University

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