Tag Archive for: natural law resources

Quote by John Locke

The end of law is not to abolish or restrain, but to preserve and enlarge freedom. John Locke, Two Treatises of Government

natural law pdf / memorandum of law on the name – capitalization

  Download the 22 page PDF: Memorandum of Law on the Name (gratitude to the anonymous author). Capitalization is used for your STRAWMAN, just as it is used for corporations and other legal entities governed under trade law. Herein is a comparison of opinions on the question of why there are capitalized names in English language usage – from linguistic

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Self-Governance Resource – Claiming Sovereign Territory Process

  Process for Claiming a Sovereign Territory Researched, compiled and written by faculty members at the NEU School of Natural Law – discipline of Self-Governance.     Dear Reader, If you so choose to… You are about to participate in one of the most important actions of your life experience in service of this beloved planet earth: the cutting-edge of sovereign-expression

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resource for being sovereign – embodying absolute sovereignty

  Researched, collated and written by NEU’s School of Natural Law faculty and associated fellows: The moment one values the realization of their inherent sovereignty – more than they value their own self-indulgence, personal attachments and self-preservation – then, absolute sovereignty is theirs. The simplest way to realize absolute sovereignty is to apply the spiritual truths that one has already

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three key components to constitutional design (natural law resource)

  This resource was researched, compiled and written by faculty and staff volunteers at NEU’s School of Natural Law: three key components to constitutional design A good national constitution usually has three key components: A constitution of nature – the foundation of Natural Law upon which the rest of the Constitution is built, ensuring that the nation itself is a

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