

NEWS! JUNE 2020 

Five continents – Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia & New Zealand, and No. America – were represented by your NewEarth University (NEU) Fellows, Faculty and Administration during the June 2020 online World Health Sovereignty Summit. This robust participation of conscious women and men from the learning community of the NewEarth movement illustrates a dire need for voices to be heard during this global “pandemic.”

ALL shared profound messages of hope for a peaceful reclamation of our basic sovereign human right for the radiant health of our body, mind, emotions and spirit.




Sacha Stone, founder of the NewEarth movement and the International Tribunal for Natural Justice (known as The ITNJ) convened the online World Health Sovereignty Summit in June of 2020 with a powerful message of conscious unification. An offering of sovereign support by renowned lawyer and activist, Robert F Kennedy Jr. was an auspicious beginning to the 4-hour long Summit.



ITNJ Chief Justice Sir John Walsh, a NewEarth University (NEU) School of Natural Law Fellow residing in Australia, presented his helpful commentary to the Summit, as well as lifelong sacred activist, NEU Chancellor Rev. Dr. Nancy Ash, an ITNJ trustee since 2015.


Ash’s inspiring message: We’re in a Sacred War! And the metaphor of our time just may be The Great Unmasking of OurSelves, but siStars and brothers… you are NOT alone.



Longtime NEU Science Director of the School of Science & Design Innovation, Fellow Thomas J Brown (residing at the NewEarth Haven in Bali) provided the seminal Covid-19 Whitepaper and its 47-page Intelligence Brief sponsored by NEU. Available now for free download in your NEU Library (link below at this page), this important work was actually the flashpoint for creating the online Summit as our global crisis began to unfold in early 2020.

Tom was requested to research, compile and write these two documents to help navigate through a maze of untruths perpetrated upon us by the “mainstream narrative”. Like ITNJ Trustee Dr. Ash, he also has participated in most digital Emergency ITNJ Commission Hearings providing his skilled application of the Sciences to the critical dialogue of our health sovereignty, civil liberties and freedom of speech.


NEU Fellow Dr. Sandra Rose Michael is also onboard with the ITNJ, yet wearing a different hat as a Commissioner for the Judicial Commission of Inquiry into Weaponization of the Biosphere, which was officially seated in Indonesia, June of 2019. Dr Sandra is a multi-faceted scalar technology expert with decades of experience, and she is a vital part of the ITNJ Emergency Hearings receiving testimony. She is associated with NEU’s School of Health & Wellness; and School of Science & Design Innovation on the faculty as an applied integrative biophysics professor.

ITNJ Commissioner and NEU Fellow, His Grace Bishop Riah (in Israel) gave a timeless and timely message of great hope for creating peace among all people of the world.


Longtime esteemed, brilliant NEU Fellow Dr. David Martin, provided in-depth quantitative insight and cohesive facts during the online Hearings and Summit. As always, his research information is thorough and thought-provoking. Dr David is a Soul with a big heart and keen mind.




NEU Faculty Jules Bright from New Zealand graced us with a beautiful ceremony while standing in a lush green meadow.

In a soothing voice she ushered in streams of conscious blessings as a natural medicine woman of the world.



Last, but certainly not least…..

The one-and-only NEU Fellow Chief Sylvestre Gnakale, associated with the School of Consciousness & Spirituality, represented his beloved tribe from the nation of the Ivory Coast in Africa, sharing serious concerns for his people. His words are always richly weaved into the tapestry of his Ancestors as a clarion call to our heart-of-hearts.





Gratitude to all at the NewEarth Project for orchestrating this World Health Sovereignty Summit


Your Complimentary Whitepaper may be accessed in NEU’s Library:


Reclaim Your Lives! Heartfelt Blessings of Peace to You

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