June, 2020 ~ MUST READ: The NewEarth University (NEU) COVID-19 WHITEPAPER (7-pages) compiled and written by Thomas J. Brown, longtime NEU Fellow and Faculty associated with the School of Science & Design Innovation. This is a seminal paper that is informed from primary sources, with a distillation of data contrary to the official 2020 narrative. Featured at the online World Health Sovereignty
Tag Archive for: vaccines
NEU Intelligence Brief on Covid-19 Global Situation
June, 2020 ~ MUST READ: The NewEarth University (NEU) COVID-19 INTELLIGENCE BRIEF prepared by Thomas J. Brown, NEU Fellow and Faculty associated with the School of Science & Design Innovation. This is a seminal paper (of 47 pages) that is informed from primary sources, with a distillation of data contrary to the official 2020 global narrative. This brief is from the
dr suzanne humphries on vaccines, disease & health – lecture part 1
Dr. Suzanne Humphries speaks on the question of vaccine safety and offers information about how authorities work to persuade people to vaccinate. This lecture’s first part (of four) contains information about tetanus. Dr Humphries speaks on the history of the disease, how it works, and how to deal...
physician’s warranty of vaccine safety (pdf)
The following resource is meant to inform and aid those looking for answers concerning this increasingly controversial issue: To Vaxx or not to Vaxx. Warranty-of-Vaccine-Safety-English (1) Vaccinating, like many other medical advancements, has the potential to harm as much as it helps. Unfortunately, rather than understand how to enhance the benefits and reduce the risk the debate between Anti-Vaxxers and
vaxxed film discussion with producer del bigtree, dir, wakefield
Producer of VAXXED, Del Bigtree and director, Dr Andrew Wakefield are interviewed in this Antidote video about the stunning film they created. From Dr. Ellen Conner, NEU Research Coord.: In 2013, biologist Dr. Brian Hooker received a call from a Senior Scientist at the U.S. Centers for Disease...
silent epidemic; the untold story of vaccines movie
A Gary Null Movie Production: A Silent Epidemic; The Untold Story of Vaccines