Tag Archive for: tesla

Eric Dollard Interview by Thomas J Brown

    Gratitude to the author, esteemed NewEarth University (NEU) colleague Thomas J Brown, senior faculty member and sacred sciences fellow at the NEU School of Science & Design Innovation, for sharing this interview from the Journal of Borderland Research, March-April issue, 1987. Tom was Director & Chief Editor at Borderland Sciences Research Foundation (California) 1985-1995.     Eric P. Dollard,

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nikola tesla: on light and other high frequency phenomena (book pdf)

PDF / Nikola Tesla – On Light & Other High Frequency Phenomena Contents (64 pages): Introductory- Some thoughts on the eye On the apparatus and method of conversion On phenomena produced by electrostatic forces On current or dynamic electricity phenomena Impedance phenomena On electrical resonance On the light phenomena produced by high frequency Current of the high potential and general

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Consider Changing Your Frequency

  “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” – Nikola Tesla “What we have called matter is energy, whose vibration has been so lowered as to be perceptible to the senses. There is no matter.” – Albert Einstein Every expression through sound, emotion, or thought holds a specific frequency

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nikola tesla science – human bio-resonance project

  NEU’s School of Science & Design Innovation honors the groundbreaking work of Nikola Tesla.  Volunteers at the school’s discipline, NewEarth Science & Technology (NEST) have partnered a few years ago with the Nikola Tesla Institute in Brazil to design unique projects and initiatives – the developing NE Tesla Academy, and The Human Bio-resonance Project. New Earth Tesla Academy The Tesla

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