This resource (article) was shared on NE social media by Linda Hamilton. Excerpt: Gross misconceptions about what constitutes normal sleep patterns in infancy and early childhood abound, even in professional circles. In both methods of CIO described above, babies and/or toddlers are repeatedly left alone to fall into cycles of sleep. Over time, they learn not to signal to their
Tag Archive for: conscious parenting
dr gabor maté – humanity science & compassion lens (website)
This resource is an up-to-date, comprehensive website of Dr Gabor Maté of Vancouver, Canada. The renowned speaker and bestselling author has an extensive background in healing addiction by using compassionate inquiry and calls for a complete compassionate approach toward addiction, whether in ourselves or in others. (Compassionate Flowers Photo by Dr N Ash from her private collection.)
conscious parenting – dr shefali tsabary
Dr Shefali Tsabary / The Awakened Family Link takes you out of the NEU site
childbirth education – bini birth
Birthing education and support website resource submitted by faculty volunteers of the School of Health & Wellness. Note: link takes you out of the NEU site:
conscious birth and parenting resource – brazil
Faculty of NEU’s School of Health & Wellness champion wellness sovereignty through sovereignty, conscious conception, conscious birth, conscious parenting, conscious living and conscious dying. A paradigm of Conscious Birth & Parenting is paramount to new ways of being in a new earth. This is one of many resources submitted from the H & W team of volunteers, a portal
creative parenting
Creative parenting resource portal submitted by faculty volunteers at the School of Health & Wellness. Note: link takes you out of the NEU site:
prenatal education programs and resources
Volunteer members of the School of Health & Wellness feel a paradigm of Prenatal Wellness is paramount to new ways of being in a new earth. This portal is one of many good resources submitted by them on this topic, featuring prenatal birth and parenting advocates and NewEarth University faculty, Francois Amigues and Dr. Marcy Axness:
fathers to be resource educational website
Not just for men, an important educational resource website submitted by faculty volunteers of the Health & Wellness School at NEU. Note: Link takes you out of this portal:
conscious parenting resource – birthlight
Faculty volunteers of NEU’s School of Health & Wellness champion wellness sovereignty through sovereignty, conscious conception, conscious birth, conscious parenting, conscious living and conscious dying. A paradigm of Conscious Parenting is paramount to new ways of being in a new earth. This is one of many comprehensive website resources submitted, a portal about this topic: Note: Link takes you
parenting for a peaceful world
Parent Coach website submitted by faculty volunteers at the School of Health & Wellness. Link takes you out of the NEU site:
french & english translation – conscious birth (website)
NEU’s School of Health & Wellness champions wellness sovereignty through sovereignty, conscious conception, conscious birth, conscious parenting, conscious living and conscious dying. A paradigm of Conscious Conception & Birth is paramount to new ways of being in a new earth. This is one of many resources submitted by faculty, a French birthing portal that has a convenient English translation
Quantum Parenting For World Peace
A paradigm of Quantum Parenting for Peace is paramount to new ways of being in a new earth. This is one of many resources from longtime NEU Health & Wellness professor Dr. Marcy Axness – a portal about her groundbreaking work. Please put her URL into your browser to access the site: