Hydrology – Water Is Life


This 19 page downloadable PDF ecology resource was researched and written by Ian Sutton; and submitted with the author’s permission to the NewEarth University by Kevin G., 2016.


Pilliga Push Camp – Declaration of Peaceful Direct Action

The Pilliga Push Camp is committed to protecting the waters of the Great Artesian Basin (GAB) and Murray Darling Basin by educating, uniting and mobilising communities. We shall sustain a Peaceful Direct Action (PDA) campaign to stop the development of Santos’s Narrabri Gas Project and the resulting destruction of the Pilliga (Billarrga) forest and its biodiversity, Gamilaraay sacred sites and cultural identity, as well as surrounding farmlands and the rural economy.

In short, this campaign is about saving Australia’s future water security, food security and economic prosperity. ‘Water Is Life’, and once we destroy the water, there is no longer an economy, community or ecology.

Click here for your PDF: Hydrology – Water Is Life



Photo courtesy of D. Sebti from her private collection

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