school of consciousness & spirituality welcomes new fellow

The School of Consciousness & Spirituality of the NewEarth University is delighted to announce that Robert J. Gilbert, PhD has wholeheartedly accepted our invitation to join as a distinguished fellow focused in the areas of Spiritual & Vibrational Sciences.

Dr. Gilbert, from North Carolina, USA, holds a doctorate in international studies with decades of research experience exploring all things sacred.  An author and blogger at his website,, he founded and directs the Vesica Institute of Holistic Studies, teaching worldwide (on-site and online) cutting-edge courses including: Vibrational Testing & Healing; BioGeometry (R) Training: Energy Balancing Homes & Offices; How to Use Crystals & Gemstones, and many more.

Robert is a warm and friendly Soul now a part of our New Earth family with much to offer.

His comprehensive, quality, and fascinating eCourses are available now at the link HERE

A popular guest on Kaleidoscope — your NE University educational Web TV program for multi-faceted discussions from A to Z — Dr. Gilbert provides up-to-date and helpful information gleaned from his dedicated work at the vanguard of global consciousness and spirituality.  Enjoy one of these programs HERE on your New Earth Project YouTube channel. (2021: This channel was censored and de-platformed by YouTube!)

Welcome Robert Gilbert


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