
Margret Rueffler, PhD (Faculty)

Heart-Self Intelligence Permaculture Professor School of Consciousness & Spirituality, School of Socio-Economics & Ecology

Margret Rueffler, Ph.D. is an ardent researcher and international seminar & workshop facilitator.  Dr. Margret has explored and taught extensively in different cultures with different religions and belief systems.  She has introduced her methodological and experiential approach, “Unfolding the HeartSelf-Intelligence” in various universities throughout Asia, especially Indonesia, as well as in Indonesian prison environments, this approach has proved to be a wonderful tool (for young and old) to learn to listen to your inner voice… as well as connecting to your higher, deeper innermost Self.

Her research is primarily centered on the Prevention of Collective Violence and as such requires at the base of her hands-on projects the connection with the HeartSelf-Intelligence.

Margret began her personal search choosing alternative healing while having a kidney failure.  This exploration led from studying and experiencing Macrobiotics, Shiatsu, Acupuncture, and staying at a Zen monastery, which eventually led to the study of Transpersonal Psychology.

After initiating a PsychoPolitical Peace Institute in New York and Switzerland, and training therapists, her path led her to Bali, Indonesia where she created a social educational foundation as well as a permaculture retreat center, Jiwa Damai (which is now an affiliate of NEU).  This is where like-minded beings can join her in loving and caring for themselves – and the earth – through hands-on projects.  Presently, Dr. Rueffler is creating an earthship in the mountains of Bali, inviting others to join, create, and expand consciousness to follow the call of a new future of earth-loving, caring beings, free from monetary bondage.

Dr. Margret Rueffler has published articles and books in different countries and languages, and is a senior advisor on the faculty with NewEarth University’s Schools of Socio-Economics & Ecology; and, School of Consciousness & Spirituality – spreading her powerful message of HeartSelf Intelligence.

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