Divine Light Training

Welcome to Divine Light Training (2024)

All info is on this NewEarth University page, with access prompt in red for a Pendulum Mapping Workshop taught in English, hosted by the School of Consciousness & Spirituality.

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If not, you need to open a free University account – first – for any tuition-purchase & access to workshops / courses.

This is easily accomplished by correctly filling-in and submitting to NEU your Application Form after required reading of NEU Course Info Page – Getting Started (top main-menu under Courses) 

Once you have a University account you may enroll in – and access – curriculum here. Access is linked from your account credentials. Tuition-enrolled students will click the blue access button below ↓ Always log in first via your account credentials (top main-menu: Account) Thank you for following essential protocols ~ InJoy UN-Learning & Learning at NEU



Pendulum Mapping Workshop (video replay)
Scroll down page for access

Dr. Swan A. Montague is the founder and creator of SOLEI 17 {The Sacred Order of Light, Energy & Information 17}. Her mission is The Sacred World Renaissance & the manifestation of The Thousand Suns Lotus.

Swan was given 3 months to live 20 years ago when master healer/teacher Yeshua appeared at her death-bed instructing her to clear seals on realms of secret knowledge.  Thereafter she spent 12 years in almost total seclusion learning and writing about his secret life and sacred knowledge and healing from Yeshua.

She has presented, created temples for, and collaborated with many leaders and celebrities, including Andrew Harvey, Ervin Laszlo, Eben Alexander, Raymond Moody, Lynne McTaggart, David Hawkins, Agape Church, Steven Sadleir, Sinead O’Connor, Jill Purce, Bruce Lyon, Baba Dez, Deva Premal & Miten and many others.  She is called, ‘Thunder & Lightning Medicine Woman’ by Native Americans who say she has the medicine the world needs for these times, known for her practical mysticism, aiding people to transform lives and is one of the world’s leading experts on karma.

Author of Caviar for the Soul and Amazon best-seller, The Book of Sahra, Jesus’ Secret Wife,  Swan is currently in the Sahara where she is completing a contemporary mystical novel and an anthology of psycho-spiritual insights based around the current collective conundrum of ‘why is this happening to me?’  From her secret oasis in the desert where Sahra and Yeshua spent some of their days together, you will be able to receive and benefit from the vibratory frequencies of their consciousness and time.

Pendulum Workshop

Dr Swan Montague recorded LIVE in NEU’s Digital Classroom
Pendulum Mapping: Dowsing for Direct Divine Connection


In this online 3-hour workshop (recorded replay) we covered a multi-purpose array of ways of working with Divine Light that you can access and use with a pendulum to refine, enhance and accelerate health, wellbeing, guidance and direct connection to The Divine.

A Few of the Things Shown to You

  • How to remove chemical & pharmaceutical poisoning – often the underlying hidden cause of depression, dis-ease, disfunction of your systems, organs, physical and subtle bodies and fields;
  • How to clear karmic and ancestral baggage and programming;
  • Healing and clearing cellular and soul memory;
  • Clearing negative codes at the core level of your DNA;
  • Reclaiming and activating your Divine Blueprint.

Workshop Fundamentals

  • Divination – Higher Self Guidance / Connection
  • Healing dis-ease / Health fundamentals
  • Clearing Chemicals & Toxins
  • Physical & Subtle Bodies Calibration
  • Raising Frequency of Food & Beverages
  • Heightening the Function of your Chakras
  • Activating Inner Guidance, Knowing & Intuition
  • Clearing, Balancing, Aligning, Centering and Grounding

Swan shares her Multi-dimensional Map with various ways you can use the pendulum to activate your higher direct-connection, healing powers and the mastery of the Ascended Ones.

Christ consciousness is not some great mystical ‘out-of-this world’ knowing that is available only to a chosen few in secluded mystery schools. It is the biggest secret of the ages that has been removed from your conscious memory and ability to access in every-day life and is the key to living a healthy, empowered, fulfilling and inspired divine life. In this Workshop – with this map – you receive the fundamental keys that unlock the seals of your inner master and aid you to blossom into a shining, aware, wise and empowered, divinely connected being with direct communcation to illumined ones and your own highest illumined self.

What You Received 

  • Workshop Replay Access until November 1, 2024 3-hr presentation (English)
  • Downloadable Multi-dimensional Map at the Workshop Page – PDF guidelines and the lists Swan uses, giving you an intuitive and fluid way of using a pendulum or kinesiology to discern problems, diagnose causes of dis-ease, track problems and intuit ways to remediate and transform these growth opportunities into great gifts and immeasurable power and self-mastery.
Would you love to be master of your life and reality?
Is there room to improve your health and/or wellbeing?
Do you wish to achieve the level of knowing and expertise of the great masters?
Learn what Yeshua (Jesus) taught his disciples and what he meant when he said,
“What I do, you too shall do, and more.”
If you’ve anything emotional, mental, physical, spiritual or energetic in your life to improve …
this Pendulum Mapping Workshop is for You!


NEU Policy: No refund for this Workshop replay
Access Protocols 
  • Log in to NEU with account credentials; return to THIS page. Click access button below

What You Need

  • NEU account with ability to navigate University website with protocols
  • Notepad / journal and pencil / pen, etc. to take notes and doodle as you feel inspired
  • Dr. Swan recommends a cleansed ring or strong pendant/crystal on a flexible cord (not ancestral or previously owned, cleansed in salt & light or sound). Thin chains can break easily if energy is strong
  • Prior experience using a pendulum or kinesiology / knowledge of chakras, subtle bodies & ability to meditate
  • Suggestion: desktop or laptop computer for better viewing than small devices – option is yours



Pendulum Mapping: Dowsing for Direct Divine Connection

REPLAY ACCESS until Novemeber 1, 2024
Dr. Swan Montague recorded LIVE in NEU’s Digital Classroom


* How to Study with Dr Swan (2-steps) *

Step 1 Enroll



Step 2 ACCESS Workshop ↓

Pendulum Workshop Page: Video-recording replay & PDF








6-week Course Enrollment CLOSED

Divine Light Christess-Christ Training

6 Classes

Course Fundamentals

We’ll study the Aquarian vision as seeded by Yeshua two thousand years ago, of the inner Divine Feminine leading the way into a golden age with the full support of the Divine Masculine at her side.
2020 (and for some long before) heralded the beginning of the end, during which time we have been in a process of accelerated collective crucifixion. The progression of crucifixion into resurrection can seem long and insurmountable.  As the world weaves its turbulent way through this Christic initiation for the final stages of the Christ age, the teachings of many mystics, ancient and contemporary, assist us to forge the path of light through the tunnels of darkness that have too long prevailed over our times.
Since Yeshua appeared at my deathbed in a series of visionary experiences (more than twenty years ago), I spent years in seclusion being prepared by him for this time.  I have been profoundly tested through this process for decades and I am here now to hold your hand and show you the way.
In this course we will be looking at how the true message and legacy as taught to me, and how Yeshua’s teachings, more than ever, are relevant in our lifetime. We will be working with the Sacred Veils (my fine art textiles), which are potent portals that open gateways into the Divine Realm, through which the beholder can retrieve forgotten higher aspects of self and connect more powerfully into the Divine, activating the innate divine essence that lies within every one of us. I will share enlightening teachings through which Yeshua guided, initiated and illumined me, with contemporary mystical practices that are pragmatic, useful and vibrant in a world that urgently needs great inner transcendence, and at the same time is stretched beyond all imagined limitations to the enactment of conscious activism and the embodiment of heart-felt divine connection.
This is my invitation to you to learn from some of my personal experiences over lifetimes and especially the last thirty years of the energy, tests, trials, tribulations, testaments and intelligence of the Christed Feminine. There will be discussion of the re-balancing of the masculine/feminine so that the inner masculine is fully embracing feminine values in leadership and throughout all aspects of our lives as we step into a new world of Divine Goddess Emanations.
Above all, this will be an experiential journey. More than study, or stories, this course will guide you, as powerfully as you call it to be, on a vessel of pragmatic mysticism, divine madness (as Rumi called the lightning experiences of divine illumination and inspiration) and sacred knowledge as we sail together to the shores of the promised new era of divine living and love.


What You Receive

  • Access to 6 LIVE Zoom Classes & replays at NEU (taught in English)
  • Inspiring teachings with Q & A
  • Recorded classes (videos are not downloadable – you won’t own them)
  • Downloadable PDFs




  • No prerequisite
  • NEU Policy: NO partial tuition or payment plans are available;
  • NO refunds for this Course after Class 1 ends on Zoom
  • Enrollment / Access Protocols
    • Log in to NEU with account credentials
    • Return to THIS page … click enrollment button
    • You receive NEU’s confirmation email when enrollment is complete
    • RETURN to THIS Course Page: Divine Light Training
    • Click access button below… where you enrolled, ie, go full-circle

What You Need Read Carefully

  • Account for enrollment & access;
  • Ability to navigate NEU’s website & study protocols.
  • Free Zoom account to attend classes (ability to use Zoom)
  • Ability to download PDFs and printer access to print PDFs
  • It’s suggested to use a desktop or laptop;
  • Computer may provide better viewing than small devices – your option.



Divine Light Christess-Christ Training Course

6-weeks of classes recorded LIVE in NEU’s Zoom Classroom

Tuition: $350.00 USD


Class start-time: 18:00 or 6 pm ROME, ITALY Time-zone

For time-signatures in your area use a time-zone converter.
Copy/paste to your browser: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter-classic.html



* How to Study (2-steps) *

Step 1 Enroll



Step 2 ACCESS 6-wk Course ↓

Access for enrolled students to Course / Class 1 – Welcome Page – Zoom info; PDFs; Notes
↑ pendulum workshop above ↑
Thank you for choosing to study at the NewEarth University’s School of Consciousness & Spirituality 
NEU Administration


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