Gratitude to the author for this NEU resource with photos from her private collection. This article is excerpted from the author’s column, Doing a 360: Sacred Spherical Strategies for Optimal Living, published in the Dayspring Magazine, 2008). Written by Reverend Dr. Nancy Ash, DD, PhD, Co-founding Chancellor of the NewEarth University, a new-paradigm UN-Learning / Learning initiative
Tag Archive for: mind body health
dr gabor maté – humanity science & compassion lens (website)
This resource is an up-to-date, comprehensive website of Dr Gabor Maté of Vancouver, Canada. The renowned speaker and bestselling author has an extensive background in healing addiction by using compassionate inquiry and calls for a complete compassionate approach toward addiction, whether in ourselves or in others. (Compassionate Flowers Photo by Dr N Ash from her private collection.)