Graham Hancock, author of America Before, is one of the most fascinating archaeology investigators of our time. This is an excellent plethora of his resources for your studies. NOTE: link to his site will take you out of this NEU portal. Website (Mesa Verde Ancestors Photo by Dr N Ash, from her private collection.)
Tag Archive for: archeology
youtube – lost civilizations, megaliths, atlantis (videos)
This is a non-profit you tube channel called, New Earth, featuring dozens of videos on spiritual historical presentations, including Megaliths, Atlantis, etc. designed to help awaken Souls to the pure truth of reality, ie, why we are really here on earth. Visit You Tube Channel
500 nations (part 1/4) – documentary hosted by kevin costner
This is only Part 1 of the 4 part, 8 hour documentary on Native American hosted by Kevin Costner on CBS back in April 1995. Kevin Costner opens with his experience being involved in the epic attempt to tell this incredibly important history, “My knowledge of history has been...
the unknown history of america: it was all quite different… (documentary)
A 2-hour film, The Unknown History of America, part 23 of the Survivors Series from newearth YouTube Channel This documentary depicts the Ancient Civilizations of the North and South Americas long before the Incas/Aztecs and before European colonization. Most of the Ancient History of the Americas have...
“River of Stone”
oldest pyramids in bosnia by dr sam semir osmanagich (website)
This resource is the WEBSITE of Dr. Sam Semir Osmanagich, who discovered an ancient pyramid complex in Visoko, Bosnia-Herzegovina consisting, to date, of eleven artificial structures: the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun, the Bosnian Pyramid of the Moon, the Bosnian Pyramid of Love, the Bosnian Pyramid of the Dragon, the Temple of Mother Earth… To learn more… Osmanagich authored
ancient megaliths, historic sites (website)
This comprehensive website is related to a different “New Earth” YouTube channel that is featured in another resource here in the NewEarth University Library. leads to a plethora of organized historic, ancient archaeological resources of various kinds (including maps) for your continued studies into the reality of our world, ie, unveiling our true history. (Photo courtesy of Dr