The LOTUS Initiative


The LOTUS Initiative ~ 

In 2018 the LOTUS Initiative, which is an acronym for ‘Light On Therapeutic Utilization Services’, was founded by the Reverend Dr. Nancy Ash, an inaugural trustee for the International Tribunal for Natural Justice ( The idea for the name came to Rev Dr Ash in a dream. The rest is his(her)story.

The LOTUS Initiative, in tandem with the ITNJ and its USA support nonprofit 501c3 organization, The Committee to Support the ITNJ, was brainstormed and created by Ash after the formation of the ITNJ’s first Judicial Commission of Inquiry into Human Trafficking and Child Sex Abuse, with its official Seatings launched at Westminster Hall, UK in April of 2018.



In 2023, Kaila Bell of Australia, a longtime and devoted ITNJ volunteer (also a LOTUS provider) was appointed and accepted the seminal position as the Worldwide Director for the LOTUS Initiative. 






LOTUS is comprised of many volunteer helping professionals from around the world. Providers in the LOTUS directory gift their time through online support sessions providing a sacred safe space with healing and loving kindness for those in need.

Sometimes we just need someone to LISTEN.

Someone to HEAR us.

Someone who really cares.

Although truly tailored for those brave Souls giving testimony to the ITNJ – blessed individuals (and their families) suffering from trauma arising from the horrific revelations of the ITNJ’s Commissions of Inquiry, please be advised that this unique complimentary service is also available for ITNJ volunteers.

The NewEarth University (NEU) is honored to support and host the LOTUS Initiative at its website. For more information and direction, visit NEU here:



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