Self-Governance Resource – Claiming Sovereign Territory Process


Process for Claiming a Sovereign Territory

Researched, compiled and written by faculty members at the NEU School of Natural Law – discipline of Self-Governance.  


Dear Reader,

If you so choose to… You are about to participate in one of the most important actions of your life experience in service of this beloved planet earth: the cutting-edge of sovereign-expression and consciousness-in-action.

*** Note It is HIGHLY recommended that YOU research in-depth ALL steps, and continue to do so while seeking counsel during this seminal process!

The process for claiming a Sovereign Territory is intended for individuals and family groups. If you are a larger community group, tribe or nation, secession will likely take a different form.


Sovereign-Expression & Consciousness-In-Action

The following steps may help you to establish your land as a Sovereign Territory:

  • Make a Private Pure Trust Declaration and file it at your local records office. Obtain a certified copy of the record containing the record office stamp/seal.

  • Make a Claim of Right and file it at your local records office. Obtain a certified copy of the record containing the record office stamp/seal.

  • Give Public Notice of your Claim in the national gazette.

  • Cancel registration of land.

  • Make a Record of Establishment of a Sovereign Territory and send it to the former presumed holder of territorial rights.

  • Join the greater NewEarth Movement (Project with its University) and consider sharing about your experiences in this process.


Good luck. Wishing you the best on the journey …


(Sandia Crest Photo by Dr Ash, courtesy of her private collection)
© NewEarth University

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