Research Study Abstract on EMF

Gratitude to NEU School of Health & Wellness fellow Dr. Robert O Young for sharing his important research to the library. Below see 3 downloadable PDFs for your study.


Subject: Study Abstract – NIH 2019 – Impact of 900MHz on Graphene Nanoparticles


Message: This short NIH abstract tests the toxicity of 3 different EMF frequencies (900, 2400, 7500 MHz) on both graphene and silver nanoparticles (different shapes of silver) on cells within the body.[1]
The 900 MHz frequency was the most destructive to cells, when used in conjunction with the graphene nanoparticles. This is interesting, since cellular phones use approximately 900 MHz frequencies when connecting to the network. I have found that 4G/4GPlus/5G are the frequencies used between cell towers, not from cell phones to the network. In other words, peoples’ cell phones are emitting the most destructive frequency (900 MHz), in terms of harming cells, when interacting with the graphene nanoparticles within their bodies. The focus has been on the 5G, when I think, given this study, the focus should also be on the 900 MHz frequency emitted by cell phones and its interaction with the graphene nanoparticles in our bodies which I discovered early in 2021.[2]

Your downloadable 3 PDFs:

ASMS-06-1351 (11)

Scanning and Tranmission Electron Microscopy in the Identificaiton of the Non-disclosed Ingredients in the COV-19 Vaccines Updated – Updated

ASMS-06-1377 (2)




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