Divine Mother at the Gate




Divine Mother at the Gate


I’ve dreamed you a thousand times

In many forms


I’ve played with your children

In every game


I’ve seen you in crowds

Before your time


I’ve heard your whispers

In the wind


I’ve tasted your nectar

In a flowing stream


I’ve felt your power

In the mountain thunderclap


I’ve dreamed you a thousand times

In many forms


Here with you I dwell,

Divine Mother.





Dear reader,
May poems
In a garland of grace
Bless you whole.
May all benefit
From this auspicious activity.
In Oneness with love
And, gratitude in grace, Rev. Dr. Nancy


(Poetry gifted by the author from the book, Garland of Grace: Sitting With The Dying Sun, by The Reverend Dr. Nancy Ash)



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