Design Metric of the Five Elements: Water



Written by faculty members of the School of Science & Design Innovation at the NewEarth University (NEU)

NEU’s Design & Development discipline (the D & D) from the School of Science & Design Innovation espouses a harmonizing metric of the platonic solids in the design and creation of human-made spaces. Platonic solids, with the five elements and principles that they represent are: Ether, Earth, Fire, Water, and Air.


the five elements: design & development metric ~ WATER

element : water

geometry : icosahedron

elements : restructurization of water bodies

creative impetus : biomimicry, regenerative design

maintenance : birth, healing, wellness


restructurization of water bodies

It is well documented that the presence of water bodies has a beneficial effect upon health and wellbeing. It is said in the art of Feng Shui that water attracts chi… it also known that places where water flows have higher concentrations of negative ions which exhibit healing and consciousness enhancing proprieties. These properties can be amplified by the use of restructurized water systems, which generate highly charged water, the presence of which, in turn, energizes the environment in which the water is located.

The same systems can be used to produce water for drinking and filter into an ocean of other applications – drinking such water improves the internal health of our bodies.  Bathing in it will magnify the restorative properties it instills by saturating the largest organ on the body- the skin via absorption.  When used for agriculture, studies have shown structured and spring water to enhance the size, quality and nutritional content of the food we eat – in short, it is extremely beneficial for all biological life.

When we consume water which is in a monatomic state, the structure of the clusters of water are in highly ordered state, this decreases surface tension making the water more hydrophilic (absorbable by the body). Restructurized water also binds more oxygen and imparts a negative charge know as zeta potential, which when consumed, increases blood fluidity. Similar beneficial effects are observed in plant life.

Water must be considered as a key factor in the creation of bio-resonant spaces and environments.


INSIGHT – by imitating natural processes and forms, one may create man-made environments, which co-exist harmoniously with their surrounding environment.

Over the last 3.6 billion years, nature has gone through an evolutionary process that has generated a high coherence of self-organizing biological systems that thrive in perfect harmony and equilibrium.

Bio-mimicry is the art of discovering the nature of the processes, which have driven this remarkable feat, and employing them to create fully integrated human-made environments, including all aspects of buildings and infrastructure.  The outcome is aesthetically pleasing, life affirming and supportive of those living in and amongst the dwellings, as well as being harmonious with the natural landscape.   Each individual building and the formation of the cluster of buildings imitates in different ways the innate beauty and efficiency of natural forms.

regenerative design                                                           

INSIGHT – everything has a purpose and nothing should be considered as existing outside of the All.

Regenerative design involves reintegrating established man made environments and living systems into their surrounding natural ecosystems; revivifying those ecosystems through regenerative principles.

Regenerative design requires that we shift our perspective – what would once have been considered waste must be viewed as a resource.  What would once have been viewed as an isolated construction, requiring continual symbiosis with nature, to establish and maintain its existence, must be viewed as an integrated part of one living system.  The conscious applications of these principles support the developing of conscious environments capable of self-sustaining and self-harmonizing with the whole surrounding environment in a constant and ever evolving process.

A regenerative design approach can also be significantly enhanced by the use of implosive technologies based on magnetism and life force or scalar energy.  Such technologies, widely used by the ancients, are essentially the fields created by what we call sacred space.  They generate quantifiable field effects capable of enhancing growth, regenerating biomass, and restoring environmental equilibrium.  Negentropic field generators, certain Orgone technologies and certain combinations of bio-architectural principles, are all examples of implosive technologies.

restructurization of water bodies

Johansson et al. – Self-organizing Flow Technology – In Viktor Schauberger’s Footsteps (2002)

Coats & Schauberger – The Water WizardThe extraordinary properties of natural water (1997)

Alexandersson – Living WaterViktor Schauberger and the Secrets of Natural Energy (1990)




Coats & Schauberger – Nature as Teacher – New Principles in the Working of Nature (1998)


regenerative design

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