Design Metric of the Five Elements: Air


Researched, compiled and written by faculty members of the School of Science & Design Innovation at the NewEarth University (NEU)

NEU’s Design & Development discipline (the D & D) in the School of Science & Design Innovation espouses a harmonizing metric of the platonic solids in the design and creation of human-made spaces.  Platonic solids, with the five elements and principles that they represent are: Ether, Earth, Fire, Water, and Air.

the five elements: design & development metric ~ AIR


element : air

geometry : octahedron

elements : passive systems of ventilation, air quality

creative impetus : systems integration, interior space

maintenance : education, media, information


passive systems of ventilation – air quality

Air quality and the presence of negative ions is crucial for health and well being, and is thus one of the most important features of a healthy environment.  Science has now demonstrated how health and longevity are drastically enhanced by the energetics and quality of air.

Stationary adults typically inhale 6 to 10 liters of air every minute entering in each one of our cells.  The components of this air are absorbed by, and become our body, serving many biological functions.  For these elements to be in their natural state is therefore fundamental for our health and wellbeing.



The air in a room should be frequently renewed and it is relevant to note that artificial systems of ventilation (such as air-conditioning) degrade the presence of negative ions and reduces capacitance.  Using passive systems of ventilation where natural airflow is encouraged through the creative and intelligent design has no such negative effect on the presence of negative ions and, if done well, will deliver all the quality fresh air the human body could ever need.

systems integration

INSIGHT – Creation is a singular living organism – one cannot hope to create a human-made environment that exists harmoniously with creation if it is not itself created in an integrated fashion.  If human-made environments are to establish a deep relation with the environment, then a systems integration approach will be necessary.

Systems integration describes the process of ensuring that all components of a human-made environment (from their infrastructural systems of power, water collection & distribution, waste treatment systems, food production, hard & soft landscaping, and the internal systems of buildings themselves) operate as one integrated system – each serving a common purpose beyond their own function and each enhancing the efficacy of the other systems.


interior space

INSIGHT – The distribution and use of space is a critical factor in facilitating healthy human co-habitation and enjoyment of life.

A man-made structure is really a generator of space.  We do not live in structures, we live in the space, which is created by them – the structure is simply the membrane, which defines its boundaries.  When the principles of natural design are properly understood and applied, a manmade structure is itself a biological membrane, much like a cell wall.  Just like the cell wall, a man-made structure is responsible for maintaining homeostasis – i.e. the balancing of conditions and management of the exchange of elements between the inner and outer environment.

The interaction of a structure’s inhabitants with the distribution and function of an internal space is the primary consideration of every good architect.  As we increasingly spend more and more time indoors, the ability of a man-made environment to fulfill our needs becomes increasingly important.  Interior-space must therefore become purposed toward the regeneration and heath of our bodies; toward being a positive influence on our interactions and relationships; toward the healthy movement of our bodies; toward enhancing the efficiency and efficacy with which we expend our energy in our daily activities.


passive systems of ventilation – air quality

systems integration,9171,1945350,00.html

interior space




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