we are in the time of the reunion of the whole human family Prophecies across the Americas foretell a great spiritual springtime that will come after 500 years, to cleanse the pain of the colonial past and ancestral wounding on these lands. The eagle represents the north, the indigenous...
reunion prophecy of the condor and eagle
the magnificent deception – sovereignty video by robert menard
documentaries / revolutionary movie kymatica: spiritual awakening enlightenment
videos / beyond beauty: the predictive power of symmetry
dr ryke geerd hamer / mein studentenmädchen, ancient magical melody stops pain, cancer
Visit Dr. Hamer’s website to learn of this unique natural treatment for cancer, a German Medicine: Homepage
lectures / emerging world order – noam chomsky video
lectures / journalist naomi klein, the shock doctrine: rise of disaster capitalism
videos / the shock doctrine by naomi klein
This documentary is based on Naomi Klein’s book, The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism
movies / the yes men fix the world – p2p edition
videos / revolution: an instruction manual
strawman illusion – the matrix exposed with j anderson
chakras explained on childrens’ program
lectures / terence mckenna’s classic lecture on alchemy: unfolding the stone
Gratitude to Aron Goch for remastering this stunning lecture as a breathtaking video, which may be considered required listening for our current time and circumstances. A most profound and relevant talk of the late, Terence McKenna. “Mountains of Majesty” video by David Huting