Faculty Announcement


FACULTY NEWS! APRIL 2019 ~ In association with the Sound & Music, Visual and Performing Arts discipline of NEU’s School of The Living Arts, we are delighted to announce new faculty: Angela Kirby of Australia. She recently joined the TLA faculty passionately focused on developing innovative creative curriculum in the field of Art Therapy. With an extensive background as artist and counselor, Angela combines her immense love of various artforms with creative processes of transmutation that help students and clients – all those in need of multi-dimensional healing from trauma.




A seasoned, award-winning artist and workshop facilitator, Angela is currently writing curriculum for NEU Workshops and Courses, which will be presented through the School of The Living Arts guiding life-enhancing transformative experiences for all.

She is cross-pollinating her unique therapeutic work at NEU with the International Tribunal for Natural Justice’s (itnj.org) Truth & Reconciliation Commission providing her services through a new NEU platform, the LOTUS Initiative, created compassionately for TIs (targeted individuals), Judicial Commission witnesses and their families, ITNJ volunteers, etc. suffering from tremendous trauma.

Welcome and best wishes to Angela Kirby for many vibrant years of collaboration through her cutting-edge contributions in: workshops, courses, research, writings and on-site programs. May these auspicious activities bring great benefit to all sentient beings through her role as a faculty member with the NewEarth University.


School of The Living Arts

© NewEarth University

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