
Rima E. Laibow, MD (Faculty, Fellow)

Rima E. Laibow, MD received her MD from Albert Einstein College of Medicine (NY) in 1970. She completed her post graduate training in Child, Adolescent and Adult Psychiatry in 1975.

In 2004, Dr. Rima, as she is widely known, and her late husband, Major General Albert N. Stubblebine III (US Army), closed the Alexandria Institute, their drug-free New York medical practice, and created the Natural Solutions Foundation once they realized how serious the genocidal threat posed by the genocidal globalist agenda is. The globalists’ own documentation made it clear that their plan was, and is, quite simply to kill most of humanity and enslave the rest, from the DNA outward. Indeed, as General Stubblebine said before his death, “Informed Consent is the Defining Issue of the 21st Century”.

Identifying the intentions of the genocidal cabal, alerting people around the world and mobilizing effective resistance is, Dr. Rima believes, essential if humanity is to reject the globalist push for full spectrum dominance of humanity. While Dr. Rima focuses heavily on the Body Politic in her role as Medical Director of Natural Solutions Foundation, she also continues to provide consultative and educational services to individuals and groups dealing with conditions and diseases for which they have been told are untreatable, incurable or otherwise unacceptable.

Dr. Rima’s methods are based in a combination of experience, science and compassion. For example, she believes that while nutrition is simply applied biochemistry, dietary choices are nutrition combined with emotion and personal history and that the emotional meaning of every condition is an essential part of both its genesis and resolution, as much as environment, immune factors, genetics and intentionality. Having resolved to help, rather than harm her patients, Dr. Rima has practiced medicine and psychiatry throughout her entire career without the use of pharmaceutical drugs, since she understands that their common mechanism is to poison enzyme systems. Instead, she has learned to use frequency, nutrition, detoxification, EEG, haptic and other forms of biofeedback and other advanced (and ancient) methods to find, and correct the underlying cause of disease and illness while treating its manifestations as well.

Dr. Rima’s deep clinical experience, coupled with her strategic thinking and dedication to profound levels of justice make her a unique health freedom advocate since her focus is on both health and freedom for everyone on the planet.

Dr. Rima E. Laibow was nominated and accepted her appointment to the NewEarth University in 2023 as a senior fellow and faculty member associated with NEU’s School of Health & Wellness. She offers you cutting-edge, life-changing curriculum through her NEU platform: Natural Solutions. 



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