
Anahita Carleton, RN, MScA (Faculty)

ReGenesis Academy Teacher School of Health & Wellness

Anahita Carleton, RN, MScA (NEU School of Health & Wellness, August ’24)

Anahita has over 18 years of experience in both allopathic and non-allopathic healing arts and modalities. She is the co-founder of Blyss Labs, the world’s first JabRehab program. She is an advanced practice Clinical Nurse Specialist & Registered Nurse, holistic nutritionist, detox coach, live blood analyst, medical intuitive, who has spent years refining specialized health optimization, detox, nutritional, and supplemental programs to heal deep pathologies including cancer and vaccine injuries. She is a medicine woman, light-worker, shamanic energy medicine practitioner, sacred medicine facilitator, relational somatic therapist, and channel/mediator who offers a direct connection to spirit. Anahita is a a student of Traditional Naturopathic Medicine at the Trinity School of Natural Health and currently completing her Doctorate of Philosophy specializing in Metaphysical Counseling at the University of Sedona; her dissertation is entitled: “Path to Activating Our Higher Selves”. 

Her ancestry is from Northern Iran and she comes from a matriarchal medicine lineage that is in deep reverence and connection to earth medicines and devoted to being in service to humanity, which infuses into all that she does. Her journey of awakening and immersive study and practice with higher states of consciousness started in her early 20s with the practice of Vipassana meditation as a universal remedy to eradicate mental impurities. This practice of meditation, one of India’s most ancient techniques of meditation, propelled her into her journey of healing her body, mind and spirit and ignited her dedication to supporting others on their journey of deep transformative healing to awakening expression of their diamond essence selves.

Anahita has always been fascinated by the resiliency of the human spirit and the mind and body’s profound self-healing capacity when provided the right conditions for healing. This led her to enter into the field of Nursing over 15 years ago where she gained diverse clinical, research and academic experiences focused on supporting communities that face systemic barriers to access (e.g. Indigenous, homeless and migrant populations, as well as, populations living with complex trauma/PTSD, mental health issues, substance use issues, HIV and complex chronic health issues). Through years of work she has come to intimately understand how the effects of trauma and adverse childhood experiences shape the psychology, neurobiology, and physical health of individuals. With this background of understanding she has been deeply committed to acknowledge, honour, hold, heal and repair our individual and collective forms of trauma. 

Her dedication to supporting people to resolve trauma led her to become an entheogenic medicine facilitator, certified Kambo practitioner and Shamanic Energy Medicine Practitioner (apprenticeship with the Inca Q’uero lineage), who has studied, mentored and served under her teachers and mentors in sacred ceremonial spaces, with the integration of somatic trauma resolution therapies into their approach. Over recent years she has had the privilege of facilitating hundreds of group and private Sacred Medicine Ceremonies and observing first-hand the profound therapeutic effects of plant medicines in reducing substance use and transforming the psychological, physical and spiritual wellbeing of her clients. 

Anahita’s channeling, mediation and intuitive abilities, understanding of the unseen realms and her strong contact with spirit guides, angels and ancestors allows her to receive multi-dimensional information through words, visions, feelings, song, light language and light transmissions that is interwoven throughout her approach to supporting people in their healing. She has the ability to be a clear conduit, like a telephone line, to speak directly to ones higher self, ancestors and spirit guides whom are there to best guide one on their divine path of ascension back to their diamond essence self. 

From the start of entering the field of allopathic medicine and nursing, it was apparent to Anahita that the healthcare system was fundamentally profit-driven and heavily influenced by corporations that often cause detrimental harm to those seeking deep healing. However, Anahita aspired to bridge the gap between allopathic medicine and complementary and alternative medicines to better serve individuals, families, communities and earthen kin. She strived to merge two worlds as a frontline nurse, while pursuing immersive study in holistic nutrition, advance detox modalities, trauma resolution and psychedelic modalities of therapy. 

Despite her years of effort to bridge the gap between allopathic and non-allopathic medicine, she recognized that the healthcare system was beyond reform, she decided to leave her decade-long career as an Clinical Nurse Specialist and Registered Nurse during the plandemic, to align more deeply with her values. She co-founded the Sacred Medicine Alliance, which has since transformed into the New Earth Alliance. This Private Membership Association has established a new health paradigm that operates within sovereign jurisdictions, free from the constraints of Big Pharma, corporate interests, and governmental oversight, empowering individuals with the inherent rights to make autonomous decisions about their health without interference or limitations. 

Working alongside her divine partner, Sky, Anahita currently offers transformative Blyss Temple Awakening ceremonies. These unique healing experiences combine their deep spiritual connection with extensive knowledge of plant medicines and shamanic practices. They offer unique healing journeys designed to release stored trauma, awaken the inner healer, and connect one with their true authentic self. They founded Blyss Labs, which  integrates various healing modalities with the world’s most cutting-edge health technologies, including aphaeresis blood filtration and advanced ozone and oxygen therapy. Their program quickly became very popular, as Anahita and Sky’s clients experienced rapid healing from advanced pathologies. Together, they created the River of Light Protocol, which they currently offer to address cancers, vaccine injuries, Lyme disease, and other pathologies.

Anahita’s commitment to the NewEarth University ecosystem is rooted in her dedication to support humanity in increasing our awareness of our true divine essence: to guide individuals on their journey to awaken their inner healer and rebuild trust in the healing capacity of our bodies, mind and spirits. She inspires others to embrace their divine mastery and courageously express their true authentic selves. Anahita empowers her clients to reclaim their health by incorporating holistic, ancient wisdoms along side cutting-edge technologies and to fulfill their souls purpose. With her expertise, Anahita is leading the way in bridging the gap between traditional healing methods and modern practices, paving the way for a more integrative approach to health and wellness.

As a new faculty member at NewEarth University’s School of Health & Wellness (ReGenesis Academy), Anahita is excited to deliver a range of courses and training within the ReGenesis Practitioner accreditation program. These include topics such as the Convergence of Ancient Wisdom and Modern Healing Practices, Channeling: Unlocking Our Intuitive Abilities, Sacred Medicine Practitioner Training, Detox Ascension Guide Training, and Unmasking the Hidden Truth: Understanding Cellular Parasites at the Core of Cancer, among others. 

Career Highlights:
  • Founder of Blyss Labs, the world’s first JabRehab program
  • Founded Sacred Medicine Alliance private membership association, which has since evolved into the New Earth Alliance
  • Registered Nurse & Advanced Practice Clinical Nurse Specialist (Bachelor’s of Nursing from University of British Columbia & Masters of Nursing in Global Health from McGill University)
  • Holistic Nutritionist (Diploma from Canadian School of Natural Nutrition)
  • Detox Ascension Guide
  • Live Blood Analyst 
  • Somatic Therapist (Certification from Opening to Grace)
  • Light Worker, Shamanic Energy Medicine Practitioner, Channel/Mediator & Medical Intuitive 
  • Sacred Medicine Facilitator & Kambo Practitioner 
  • Medicine Wheel Shamanic Practitioner Training with Inca Q’uero lineage
  • Student of Traditional Naturopathic Medicine at the Trinity School of Natural Health 
  • Completing a Doctorate of Philosophy specializing in Metaphysical Counseling at the University of Sedona; dissertation is entitled: “Path to Activating Our Higher Selves”


Stay-tuned for Anahita’s ReGenesis Academy



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