LOTUS (Light On Therapeutic Utilization Services)



“If you feel lost, disappointed, hesitant, or weak,

return to yourself, to who you are, here and now

and when you get there, you will discover yourself, like a lotus flower in full bloom,

even in a muddy pond, beautiful and strong.”

–  Masuru Emoto, The Secret Life of Water


The LOTUS Initiative

Light · On · Therapeutic · Utilization · Services


What is the LOTUS Initiative?

Updated 2024

Sponsored and hosted by the NewEarth University (NEU) this Initiative shines a light on the need for love, comfort, support, healing, reconciliation and absolution from various forms of trauma.

LOTUS is an acronym for light on therapeutic utilization services.

Founded in 2018 by the Reverend Dr. Nancy Ash – inaugural trustee of the International Tribunal for Natural Justice – the LOTUS Initiative is designed to be a sacred, safe container. A precious womb-space offering a wide array of COMPLIMENTARY Therapeutic Services gifted by heart-centered professionals from around the world.

Your Providers volunteer their various expertise to help ITNJ Commission TIs (targeted individuals) and their families; also to witnesses and folks needing to give testimony, but have not done so to the tribunal; SRA, MK-Ultra survivors of trauma; whistle-blowers; and ITNJ team members exposed to traumas through intense research of egregious atrocities.

Some LOTUS Provider professionals are faculty members at the NewEarth University (NEU).





LOTUS Initiative History

The NewEarth University (NEU) – in association with the USA 501-(c)(3) charity Committee to Support the ITNJ – is honored to help the LOTUS Initiative platform in aligned support of the Judicial Commissions of Inquiry from the International Tribunal for Natural Justice – ITNJ.org

The LOTUS Initiative was born from a dire need to provide loving comfort, support, healing, reconciliation and absolution for those suffering from trauma related to stunning revelations of the ITNJ’s Judicial Commissions of Inquiry.

Many brave and courageous Souls have come forward to give heart-wrenching testimony – virtual and on-site.

The ITNJ’s first such inquiry was into Human Trafficking & Child Sex Abuse, launched at Westminster Hall in London, April 2018.

For a comprehensive digital viewing (a plethora of embedded videos) of that unprecedented seating with riveting witness testimonies, please consider visiting the ITNJ Commission portal: https://commission.itnj.org/

A subsequent Judicial Commission of Inquiry: Weaponisation of the Biosphere, was launched in June of 2019 in Indonesia during a 2-day seating. For digital viewing of those proceedings with more witness testimonies visit the same Commission portal.

The principal intention behind any of the Tribunal’s Judicial Commissions of Inquiry is not to instigate witch-hunts or target particular figures, but rather to set in motion a culture which ensures the restoration of the pure-truth, disclosure, ​reconciliation, ​healing and civilizational redemption surrounding vital issues of systemic, worldwide satanic human trafficking and child sex abuse; and the devastating Weaponization of our BioSphere & Health-Sovereignty.

Therefore, the LOTUS Initiative compassionately shines light in this world to help restore balance to suffering individuals for a re-calibrated life – to live in the pure-truth from a blessed birthright as Divine, beautiful sovereign beings of radiant peace and harmony.


You are not alone.


Through the LOTUS Initiative we assist YOU

while supporting noble planetary endeavors like the ITNJ


We help you rise and blossom like a lotus


Lotus Flower Photo courtesy of Karen Bell


“A beautiful lotus flower truly knows the mud

because it has grown from darkness with an evolutionary urge to rise up into the light.”

– Rev Dr Nancy Ash, LOTUS Initiative Founder




Updated 2024

LOTUS Initiative has these devoted volunteer Provider professionals offering you online complimentary therapeutic services:


♥  Somatic Integration / Buddhist Psychotherapy (Australia) Kaila Bell / LOTUS Director

Kaila holds diplomas in Somatics, Buddhist Psychotherapy and Yoga. From decades of teaching and counseling in body-mind integration in Nepal, Bali and Australia, she offers you up-to-3 complimentary sessions. To schedule, contact: wellandhappy@protonmail.com


*** Please Note: If the Provider you have chosen has not responded to you by return email within a few days please email the LOTUS Initiative Director Kaila Bell at: wellandhappy@protonmail.com

We apologise for this inconvenience to you. Best wishes.


♥  Psychology Counseling (Indonesia) Dr Margret Rueffler, PhD / NEU faculty

A transpersonal psychologist, psychotherapist and acupuncturist, Margret has 40 years experience using a HeartSelf-Intelligence approach as safe-space for a variety of issues. To schedule a complimentary session, contact: pppiny@gmail.com


♥  Transpersonal Art Therapy (Australia) Angela Kirby / NEU faculty

Angela specializes in Transpersonal Art Therapy offering you a complimentary session in a private space via Skype, where confidentiality is a crucial step in feeling supported and heard. To schedule, contact: frizzkirby@bigpond.com


♥  Transpersonal Health & Relationship Coach (USA) Dr Patricia Nardone, MS, PhD, RN

Dr. Nardone extensive background in allopathic & complementary medicine includes conscious relationships, meditation, yoga & energy healing. She offers you a complimentary session of deep-listening, healing energy & creative heart-centered presence. To schedule, contact: wdragon77@comcast.net


♥  Listening (Australia) Peter Barber

Peter’s story began with service in international hospitality. The path led to a family hydraulic engineering business; then therapeutic Reiki practice; Ka Huna Bodywork; Radical Forgiveness & Buddhist Psychotherapy; Deeper Listening. He offers you up-to-3 complimentary sessions. To schedule: peter@infinitehealing.com.au


♥  Creating Art (USA) Jane Evershed / NEU faculty

Create your way to healing. Making art is a way to meditate into a creator state of being. Transmute the hardships of life with award-winning veteran artist, Jane Evershed. She offers you up-to-3 complimentary sessions. To schedule, contact: evershed@aol.com


♥  Integrative Wellness / Spirituality Counseling (USA) Janelle Lynn, MS, CNC

Janelle offers holistic strategies for balancing the body/mind & soul. Through earth-centered wisdom & heart-centered connection, align your inner spirit with outer life to discover a personal journey of transformation. To schedule a complimentary session contact: janellelynnkeener@gmail.com


♥  Spiritual Intuitive (Serbia) Olivera Ivanovic

Olivera offers you a complimentary session via Skype, which includes an intuitive consultation and work on childhood and present issues preventing Soul connection. To schedule, contact: terapijadusa@gmail.com


♥  360 Spiritual Counseling (USA) Rev Dr Nancy Ash, DD, PhD / NEU chancellor; ITNJ trustee; LOTUS founder

Rev Dr Ash aka “Rev Nancy” is a senior InterSpiritual Minister ordained in 1985. Weaving this sacred skillset with extensive experience as an InterSpiritual Studies professor, mentor and author, she offers you a complimentary session as part of her worldwide Soul Sovereignty healing ministry. Schedule M-F daytime USA, subject-line LOTUS to: nancy@humanitad.org 



How does LOTUS work for me?

  • YOU Select a LOTUS Provider LISTED ABOVE and contact them via email to set up a complimentary online session – it’s that simple.

  • The LOTUS Provider will respond to you when and how to meet with them for a session (usually Skype or Zoom, or possibly via phone).




 Inspirational LOTUS Stories

“When I first discovered the targeting a few years ago, I tried to find meaning in it, as in Victor Frankl’s book, Man’s Search for Meaning.

I searched online for positive images that would give me strength and inspiration and had printed out pictures of people I admired and found inspiring and would post them up on my wall. I also discovered the lotus blossom and its significance and how it was valued for …  STORY CONTINUED NEXT PAGE



Your Additional Resources ↓ Scroll down

The ITNJ – International Tribunal for Natural Justice (main site)  https://www.itnj.org/



NOTE: Contact founder Dr Ash for consideration to be included in this directory: Admin@newearth.university (your e-mail subject line: LOTUS) Thank you.


Balinese Lotus Flower photo courtesy of Karen Bell


Your International Support Groups


Organization of Victims Psychotronic (Mind Control) Weapons
Contact:  Galina Kurdina
Email:  helenkurdin@yahoo.ca
Website:  http://www.organizationofmindcontrolvictims.com/

The West Coast Society For All Victims Of Organized Stalking And Electronic Harassment
Website:  www.westcoast-oseh.com
Contact:  westcoast.oseh@gmail.com



EUCACH European Coalition Against Covert Harassment
Website:  eucach.org


ADVHER – Association de Dèfense des Victimes de Harcèlement Electromagnètique et en Réseau (Association Defending Electromagnetic and Organized Stalking Victims)


Betroffenengruppe für TIs in Deutschland
For TIs in Germany and other German-speaking countries, including Austria, Switzerland and northern Italy
Email:  opfergruppe@mind-control-news.de
Website:  http://bftid.mind-control-news.de


On Target
Website:  www.ontarget.co.cc
Email:  tisgreece@yahoo.com

ICAACT – International Center Against Abuse of Covert Technologies
Website:  www.icaact.org

Initiative gegen elektromagnetische Folter
Harald Brems
Website:  http://e-waffen.de
Fone:  +49 151 10472109

IRMAETOS – International Resistance Movement Against Electronic Torture & Organized Stalking
Website:  irmaetos.org
Email:  irmaetos@protonmail.com


Associazione contro ogni forma di controllo ed interferenza mentale e neurofisiologica 
ex Associazione Vittime armi elettroniche-mentali
Website:  www.associazionevittimearmielettroniche-mentali.org

The Netherlands

Stopeg Foundation
Peter Mooring
Past. van Roesselstraat 29
4631 ET Hoogerheide

Website:  http://www.stopeg.com
Email:  info@stopeg.com
Cellphone: +31 6 4124 3030
Telephone: +31 164 610 218
Email: peterpm@xs4all.nl


STOPZET – Stop Zorganizowanym Elektronicznym Torturom
Website:  www.stopzet.org
Contact email:  slawek@stopzet.org


Acoso Organizado y Electrónico
Pilar Cucalon, Spanish Translator
Website:  www.acoso-organizado.com
Facebook:  http://www.facebook.com/?sk=2361831622#!/group.php?gid=122312334464838&v=info
Email:  mariasterob@gmail.com

Controle Físico da Mente
A non-governmental organization, disseminating mind control techniques in the Portuguese and Spanish languages.
Website (in Portuguese):  https://sites.google.com/site/controlemental


Society for Brain Integrity in Sweden
Website:  http://www.svegritet.se/

United Kingdom

Covert Harassment UK
Manchester, England
Website:  www.covertharassment.org
For more info, please contact:  Ana B. Fernandez Alvarez
Email:  covertharassment.org@gmail.com   Phone: 00447801292648


India (and Nepal)

Facebook: India TIs

Human Rights Without Frontiers, Nepal
Raju Thapa, President
Email:  hrwfnepal@gmail.com
Website:   http://www.apfanews.com/torture-killing-me-softly/


Technology Crime Victims’ Network
Terukatsu Ishibashi, Chairman of the Board
Telephone & Fax:  03-5212-4611
Website:  http://www.geocities.jp/techhanzainfonet.info@ybb.ne.jp
Email:  techhanzainetinfo@ybb.ne.jp


Malaysia Techno Crime and Mind Harassment Victim
Facebook group name:  https://www.facebook.com/groups/omaimhreem/

Nara Subra
Telephone:  6019 357 5379
email:  omaimhreem@gmail.com

New Zealand

Organised Crime of Covert Electronic Assault Stalking & Surveillance NZ
Website for NZ TIs: www.organised-crime-of-covert-electronic-assault-nz.com/


Moscow Housing Ecology Committee
Website:  http://moscomeco.narod.ru/e.htm


United States of America (USA)

The ITNJ – International Tribunal for Natural Justice (main site, Constitution & Treaty)  https://www.itnj.org/

PACTS, International non-profit organization  http://www.pactsntl.org/

Targeted Justice non-profit (2,000 + members, class-action lawsuit  https://www.targetedjustice.com/

Freedom for Targeted Individuals non-profit, Ella Free and Dr. Matthew Aaron  https://www.freedomfortargetedindividuals.org/

Targeted America non-profit  https://www.targetedamerica.com/

Targeting Evidence  https://www.targetedevidence.com/

World Coalition Against Covert Harassment

General Manager: Magnus Olsson
Email: info@worldcach.com



Soul Painting by LOTUS Provider, Jane Evershed


We wish you radiant health and wellness on this journey to healing, peace, reconciliation & absolution

Gratitude in Grace from your LOTUS Initiative Providers

With an ocean of thanks to all of our many volunteers tirelessly serving humanity




The ITNJ Judicial Commissions






© NewEarth University

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