(2025 update)
The NewEarth University’s School of Consciousness & Spirituality is honored to continue its affiliation with the founded and directed by teacher, author and scholar, Dr. Marguerite Rigoglioso, Ph.D. This digital Mystery School offers you a plethora of online curriculum developed and taught by Marguerite to enhance your life.
~ Welcome ~
You’ll be guided into the Seven Sisters Mystery School curriculum via hot-links below.
Dr Marguerite offers NEU students (with a functioning account) five (5) online Courses:
Accelerating into 5th Dimensional Consciousness
Priestess of the Dove Oracle Training ~ Level 1
Mother Mary Mystery Teachings: Your Pathway to Love, Healing, and Inner Divinity
Holy Womb Chakra Teachings
Divine Birth Mysteries Audio Series
Meet your professor in this Lazarus Initiative video, Mysteries & Myths with Sacha Stone (April 2021)

Accelerating into 5th Dimensional Consciousness
This new online Course of healing & initiation features access to 6 Class Replays on Zoom. As we move further into uncharted territory in our world, you may be recognizing that THIS IS THE LONG-AWAITED SHIFT.
Clink link to learn more details before enrolling at the Mystery School:
If you’re a spirit worker, this is the long-awaited time you’ve incarnated for. In this powerful course, you’ll receive next-level information on what’s happening on the planet that will continue to open your awareness and ground your power.
You’ll get tools for dealing with the extra forceful psychic energies being put out right now, methods to amplify your heart energy at this time, support you need to feel safe and sane, and transmissions from the true new Mother Mary & the subtle beings of nature so you can better anchor unity consciousness & the positive timeline for our earth.
Your Tuition is $291.00 USD
Priestess of the Dove Oracle Training ~ Level 1
This online course of reclaiming yourself as a sacred oracle has 6 video classes (listen at your own convenience); guided meditations; and, a private 30-min. online meeting with Marguerite.
Clink link to learn more details before enrolling at the Mystery School:
It’s become increasingly clear: Only the Rise of Goddess Knowing inside each of us will turn this planet around. This course will help you safely connect with divine sources of feminine consciousness and intelligence to more clearly and powerfully establish your personal guidance system in this very challenging world. It will support you in developing and maintaining a permanent practice to access answers to your own questions and draw inspiration for your relationships, spiritual calling, work, sacred career, writing, artistic pursuits, and more. It will also allow you to establish energetic boundaries and assert your sovereignty as a human soul so as to enhance your free will in the Universe, as well as amplify self-care to purify your body/mind/spirit instrument for more intuitive transmission.
Your Tuition is $347.00 USD
Mother Mary Mystery Teachings: Your Pathway to Love, Healing, & Inner Divinity
This online course is a pathway to love, healing and inner divinity with 6 Class Modules available on demand. Open to people of all genders.
Clink link to learn more details before enrolling at the Mystery School:
This course provides breathtaking information from ancient sources about who Mary truly is, beyond the programming, as a priestess of divine birth, mentor, healer & wise guide in our lives. Discover a Mary you’ve never known before who’s completely available to support us in our own healing & spiritual evolution.
This course features Marguerite Rigoglioso’s original and pioneering work about Mother Mary that will not be found anywhere else.
Your Tuition is $291.00 USD
Holy Womb Chakra Teachings
This online course features an ancient system to clear negative energies from past love relationships, link with the divine feminine & unlock your power for healing, soul evolution & spiritual service. 8 video recordings available on demand. Open to people of ALL gender identities & stages of life.
Clink link to learn more details before enrolling at the Mystery School:
This course features revelations from India about the hidden power portal in all humans ~ the womb chakra.
Learn the ancient system coming straight from Mother Divine by means of ancient masters, including Mother Mary, to access and harness tremendous power of the womb chakra to heal heartbreak and sexual wounding, bring forth divine children through soul-mated relationships, heal others, manifest miracle-level blessings, and co-create the New Earth.
Your Tuition is $291.00 USD
Divine Birth Mysteries Audio Series
This online course reveals women’s holiest hidden power as a vision for our future. You’ll have access to 8 audio sessions.
Clink link to learn more details before enrolling at the Mystery School:
With this course, you receive mind-expanding talks about authentic priestesses of divine birth in ancient Greece, and the sacred nature of their work to help humanity evolve.
Learn how their practice never fully went away and how women today are reclaiming the ancient technology of miraculous conception to advance our world.
Your Tuition is $194.00 USD
Whether you’re familiar with Marguerite’s teachings or new to them, her courses are chock-full of world-tilting info that you won’t find anywhere else.
About Your Professor