Welcome! Gratitude for Your Interest to Study at NEU
(2025) As a fractal of the greater NewEarth Movement, the worldwide online NewEarth University (NEU) remains committed to honoring its premise to provide a sacred, creative playground of open-sourced wisdom for all. NEU uses a metric of Zero-Point Learning: UN-Learning & Learning the pure-truth of sovereignty, harmony and peace. Pure-truth and right-action are the coordinates of the NewEarth frequency, which is here – now.
As you browse this inspiring portal discover organic core content: wisdom-knowledge as resources offered by NEU’s 6 Schools & Library — accessible at your pace — anytime, as an inspiring Self-Teach Model.
Note: At this time NEU requires no IN-DEPTH University application & application fee or membership or subscription fees to join its academic ecosystem. Some curriculum is fee-based; some is complimentary.
How to Study at NEU
Getting Started – ENROLL – Create Your Account
Important: Please Follow Protocols Carefully. Thank you!
Step 1 Create your free account by submitting a completed form
Students use their REAL Full name. Nicknames, fake or partial names are not accepted.
Account credentials must be written in English.
eMail to NEU must match your account address.
If you created a NewEarth account before – great – you’re ready for curriculum enrollment & access.
You may use one account. Don’t open a 2nd. Multiple accounts create confusion / are deleted.
Log in / access is directly linked with your account credentials.
Click below to open new page / submit an enrollment form, which you need to fill-in accurately ↓

UN-Learning & Learning Symposium Panel at NewEarth Ancient Futures Festival, Indonesia, 2017
Step 2 Browse courses & workshops after opening your account
See offerings at Courses Main-menu (pull down list).
Hover / click to enter a Course Page you are interested to study.
Step 3 Enroll – follow teachers’ protocols note any red text-prompts
When a course or workshop tuition-enrollment is complete you receive NEU’s auto-eMail.
Return logged in to your teacher’s page, ie, where you enrolled & click their blue access button.
That’s it… Steps 1,2,3 for REAL UN-Learning, essential as the ABCs.
Free mini-course tutorials; fee-based workshops & courses; training programs; special events
Visit your free library… a rabbit hole!
If you still haven’t created an account, you must do that first. To accomplish,
submit a simple form with your accurate credentials filled-in:
Note We do not accept accounts created for others. Any type of fake account is problematic/deleted
Your account allows access into courses / workshops that you have enrolled in.
With conscious action joining today, you align with a planetary metric of sovereignty, harmony & peace.
NEU does not sell or share names to third parties.
Study Protocols Access is directly linked from your account credentials
Carefully follow directions, noting ANY red text-prompts and you will navigate this ecosystem well. Thank you!
Curriculum requiring administrative facilitators and/or IT support has tuition (fees)
Each offering guides you to easy payment methods;
NEU accepts PayPal … or Stripe for credit cards.
eMail to NEU Administration admin@newearth.university
For many years pioneers from all walks of life have aligned in service at the NewEarth University to share their gifts, talents, and toolkit content throughout this zero-point ecosystem.

NEU Co-founding Chancellor, Dr Ash, presents a symposium talk: Altruistically Building Community, NEFestival, Bali, 2017
In Service From The Heart
Offered to You in the Spirit of Altruism
An ocean of gratitude to our many faculty members, fellows, administration team and affiliates for helping create cutting-edge content in their respective areas of expertise.
And thanks to ALL in service at the greater NewEarth Movement (NewEarth Project 2.0 / NewEarth Horizon) working behind-the-scenes to gather and collate the best resources in the form of:
unprecedented symposiums, summits, retreats, web shows, news programs, courses, workshops, training programs, lectures, research documents, white-papers, books, digital magazines, articles, documentaries, videos, architectural renderings, powerpoint presentations, meditations, music, dance, art, poetry, photography, graphics, performances, etc. – all as expressions of our NewEarth ethos:
The ABCs of Art, Beauty and Consciousness