’23 News!

NEU ADMINISTRATION NEWS! March 2023 ~ We are delighted to announce a new member of NEU’s Administrative Team: Dr. Manely Sharifian, currently based in the USA. She has taken the key role as the University’s Curriculum Advisor directly assisting the Chancellor.





Dr. Sharifian brings her multi-dimensional experiences to your online NewEarth University (NEU) advising the Chancellor and faculty members with curriculum development and implementation strategies.

She’s been an academic business professor in the old-paradigm traditional educational system for years … now ready to forge ahead in grace integrating her varied skillsets into exciting new-paradigm educational models like NEU, large fractal of the NewEarth Project 2.0 and greater NewEarth Movement.

Dr. Manely earned her master’s degree in management and economics of innovation from Chalmers University of Technology in Sweden; and, she was awarded a PhD in Business from the University of Alberta in Canada.

Welcome and best wishes to Dr. Manely Sharifian for many fruitful years of creative collaboration at the online NEU, and at its first on-site campus (slated for 2025) on the sacred waters of the Laguna in Bacalar, Mexico at the NewEarth Sanctuary (NES). Stay-tuned!

May these auspicious activities bring great benefit to all sentient beings through her creative role as

Curriculum Advisor at the NewEarth University



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