
Don Paris, PhD (hc) (Faculty)

Don Paris, Ph.D. (h.c.) is a published author, speaker, video producer, and musician.  His book, Regaining Wholeness Through the Subtle Dimensions has been published internationally in German, Spanish, Japanese, Portuguese, and English.  He is known as the guru of the SE-5, the world’s most respected subtle energy, scalar instrument.  Don is well-loved for his style of bringing challenging concepts into an easy to understand language and has been a popular speaker at the Global Sciences Congress, Congress of Spiritual Scientists, Quantum Energy Medicine Conference and the United States Psychotronics Association.

Dr. Paris has created the most detailed explanation of the principles of Radionics and the most advanced training courses in the entire field of Radionics and Scalar technology.  He began exploring the subtle dimensions in the early ’70s, and has now trained people in over 30 countries in the workings of Radionics and the subtle dimensional realities.

Don was awarded an honorary doctorate degree in Human Sciences from the International University of Vitalogical Sciences in Stockholm Sweden in 2000 for his work with the SE-5 and scalar energies.

He and his wife, Ilona Selke, who work as a team, have contributed to radio and TV shows, and have been quoted in numerous publications around the world.  They teach seminars in Quantum Psychology in the US, Europe and Asia.

When not traveling to teach, they divide their time between their homes in the Pacific Northwest and Bali.

In his work he has dedicated himself to bridging the barrier of the physical boundaries to the subtle dimensional realities.


1977-79: Taught music at Mount Palomar Community College, California
1980-82:  Studied music and modern dance Baltimore Maryland.
1983-88: Music production and recording engineer
1987- present: Radionics and Bioenergy Medicine and Quantum psychology
2005 – present: Owner of Shambala Oceanside Retreat and Spa

Don studied privately with many teachers including:

Dr. Vern Wolf (Quantum Psychology)
Dr. Robert Beck (Electo Medicine)
Dr. Rod Newton ( Sutble Energy Manifestation)
Dr. Robert Shane (Bio-Energetic Medicine)
Dr. Willard Frank (Inventor of the SE-5)
Dr. Fred Allen Wolf (Quantum Reality)
Dr. Tad James (Timeline Hypnotherapy)
Dr. Greg Morgan (Bio-Energetic Medicine)
Lutie Larsen (Little Farm Research)


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