
Laura Uplinger (Faculty, Fellow)

Laura Uplinger is a proponent, educator, and life-long student in the field of conscious pre-conception, prenatal and perinatal parenting.  Fluent in four languages, she bridges several cultures traveling between Europe and the Americas as a featured speaker for the public at large, teenagers, pregnant couples and birth professionals.  In Brazil, she counsels pregnant women in favelas, mansions, and high-risk maternity wards.  A student of the spiritual teachings of Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov since the 1970s, she dedicates her life to disclosing the relevance of imagination during pregnancy.  She is the scriptwriter of an award-winning video: A Gift for the Unborn Children – Part 1 and Part 2

Laura worked for 14 years in close collaboration with the Association for Prenatal & Perinatal Psychology and Health, and chaired two of their international congresses: Womb Ecology ~ World Ecology, in 1993; and Birth and the Human Family ~ Embracing the Power of Prenatal Life, in 2007.  In 2006 she contributed a chapter on conscious conception, A Cosmic Collaboration, to an Elite Books award-winning anthology, The Marriage of Sex & Spirit.

Pregnancy is a most crucial stage of parenting and also a most neglected one for the last millennia.  It is time we explore the fecund universe of pre-birth parenting.

Ecology, from the Greek oikos means house.  Our first house is the womb, and what we experienced there has a profound influence on the way we experience and treat ourselves, each other and our larger house, the Earth.

When a couple embraces the adventure of parenting even before physically conceiving their children, they step into a powerful dimension of their inner life.  Pre-birth parenting sets the stage for a myriad of possibilities and conscious choices that will nurture the inner strength of their children throughout many, many years.

Brain science and state of the art cell biology confirm the findings of transpersonal psychology as well as of the sacred teachings of long ago: what we experience during prenatal life deeply influences our life choices and the way we live. Very early in our mother’s womb we learn that we are worth being loved or not, and if life is worthwhile or not.  And throughout life we have a mighty tendency to honor the lessons we have received in utero.

Most of the problems we face today can be traced to our conception and our formation in the womb: From immune system disorders to terrorism, from committing suicide to devising weapons of mass destruction, from child abuse to political corruption and from alcoholism to trashing the environment, we are somehow dealing with a lack of self love and a lack of love for others.

It is up to societies around the world and their public authorities, to foster the wellbeing of expecting mothers, so that they feel empowered and inspired to weave a luminous, caring and healthy humanity for planet Earth.  Nature has endowed mothers with the gigantic task of birthing civilizations…

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