NEU Robust Presence at the ITNJ Judicial Commission of Inquiry, London, UK

NewEarth University (NEU) News, May 2018:

They journeyed far and wide to the UK from four continents: Australia, South America, North America and Asia.

On Day One you could hear a pin drop.

In April of 2018, Dr. Nancy Ash, NewEarth University Chancellor (based in New Mexico) was in London sitting on the bench as a trustee of the court at the Westminster Hall Seatings of the International Tribunal for Natural Justice (ITNJ) Judicial Commission of Inquiry into Human Trafficking and Child Sex Abuse.

In total it was a strong presence from the learning arm of the NewEarth movement: nine NewEarth University (NEU) fellows, faculty and staff from around the world attended this noble event in England to show their solidarity and sterling support for ending the pandemic of human trafficking and child sex abuse.



Sacha Stone, founder of the ITNJ and the NewEarth Movement convened the successful proceedings headed by Chief Justice Sir John Walsh, a NewEarth University Fellow residing in Australia.

A lifelong sacred activist, since 2015, Dr. Ash has served as an inaugural ITNJ Trustee of this unprecedented global initiative.

The ITNJ is an international court FOR the People and BY the People.

NEU Fellow and Judicial Commissioner for Truth & Reconciliation, His Grace Bishop Riah Assal flew in from Jerusalem, Israel.  Also sworn in as Officers of the Court with Professor Ash were NewEarth University staff and faculty: Connie Broussard from the USA, and from Australia, Edith Cragg and Tim Cragg – all ITNJ Trustees working tirelessly to bring natural justice to humanity.

Fellow and faculty Laura Uplinger from Brazil – of NEU’s Birth & Dying discipline in the School of Health & Wellness – was in the audience, along with the School of Consciousness & Spirituality’s newest faculty member, Dr. Dean Allen from America.

I.T. liaison Santi Azpilicueta, at the helm for stellar media production at Westminster Hall, traveled across the sea from Seattle, Washington.

There was non-stop, riveting, heart-wrenching testimony from expert witnesses, survivors and whistle-blowers …




The Summation




After the 3-day Judicial Commission Seating in London, a gathering assembled for the Commission’s Summation at the historic (12th Century) Dartington Great Hall in beautiful Devon.  Hosted by Jason Liosatos, the speakers of On the Quest for Truth guest panel were: Chief Justice Sir John Walsh, Bishop Riah Assal, Sacha Stone, Counsel-Commissioner Robert David Steele, Commissioner Justin Walker, and Trustee Rev. Dr. Nancy Ash.

The NewEarth University is honored to continue its support for the worldwide ITNJ initiative and its Judicial Commission of Inquiry into Human Trafficking and Child Sex Abuse.  More fellows, faculty and staff are stepping up to volunteer in helpful ways.  Consider joining with your NEU colleagues today and/or make a donation to this important cause.

Contact Dr. Nancy Ash for more information, and meanwhile to learn much more … enjoy our latest in-depth magazine, The Sovereign Voice Commemorative Book accessed below.


Your Complimentary The Sovereign Voice Commemorative Book is accessed here:


The ITNJ Judicial Commission Portal (with embedded videos of the stunning 3-Day Seating) accessed here:

Let Right Be Done!



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