Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life by Drunvalo Melchizedek (pdf)


An ocean of gratitude to Drunvalo Melchizedek for sharing his inspiring 227-page work for humanity:

The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life (Vol. 1 PDF)

Preface excerpt:

The Flower of Life was and is known by all life.  All life, not only here but everywhere, knew it was the creation pattern – the way in, the way out.  Spirit created us in this image.  You know this is true; it is written in your body, in all your bodies.  Long ago we fell from a very high state of consciousness, and the memories are just now beginning to emerge.  The birth of our new/old consciousness here on Earth will change us forever and return us to the awareness that there is truly only one Spirit.

Library Note: Possible caveat with this resource: the PDF may view on your screen vertically, so adjust the document (rotate its view) for easy horizontal reading after downloading. Thank you.

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