Welcome Faculty!


NEWS! March 2024 ~ NewEarth University is honored to announce that Dr. Atousa Mahdavi has joined its School of Health & Wellness as an esteemed faculty member in a teaching tract.

Dr. Mahdavi’s extraordinary repository of wisdom-knowledge is helping to create major unprecedented shifts and transformation to teach and heal all people of the world.

A seasoned holistic, integrative physician and professor – devoted to raising consciousness of supreme health & wellness through many years of service – Dr. Atousa Mahdavi brings to NEU her multi-faceted Holistic Medicine Academy featuring a plethora of cutting-edge workshops and courses.

We are delighted to recognize this brilliant Soul as an esteemed colleague and faculty member of the NewEarth University. May she be blessed with long life to assist all on the heroic journey to optimal wellbeing of body, mind and spirit.

To learn more, read her BIO HERE



May this activity bring great benefit of radiant wellbeing to all.

~  Welcome Dr. Atousa Mahdavi  ~



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