the international tribunal for natural justice – ITNJ (website)


Visit the main website of the International Tribunal for Natural Justice, known as, “The ITNJ”:

Vision: A world in which the Earth is honored; Truth is spoken; Love is the basis of all action; and Justice is an organic, self-fulfilling function of respect for natural law.

Mission: To apprehend the abuses and tyranny of systems and institutions; restore truth and reason to the delivery of justice in the world; and uphold natural justice as the foundational tenet of human expression beyond the artifice of borders and boundaries.

The ITNJ Constitution has been published since 14 February 2015, when the ITNJ was established by Proclamation. Following the Inauguration Events and Ceremonial Seating of 15 June 2015 in London, when the ITNJ Treaty and ITNJ Constitution were signed and sealed into law, the “Witnesses by” pages were also published.  The full text of the ITNJ Constitution is published as a PDF document.

Sign the Treaty:

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