FREE Physiology Books by Dr. John Campbell, PhD (PDFs)


An ocean of gratitude to the one-and-only Dr. John Lorimer Campbell, PhD (England, UK) for kindly gifting the world with his seminal educational workbooks in Physiology and Pathophysiology. He also has about 50 publications in various nursing journals. In 2023 – according to his recent video (1-4-23) at YouTube – he’s now made his books free in the public domain – in PDF format.

PDF 1) Place URL in your browser:

PDF 2)  CampbellPathophysiologyNotes.pdf

Thank you for respecting and supporting Dr. Campbell’s in-depth lifework as a nurse educator. We are thankful for his gracious plethora of contributions to health care and wellbeing for all humankind. May he be blessed!

*** Please consider supporting this gentle giant by visiting his website (place URL in your browser):

Campbell’s very popular and informative YouTube channel had 2.61 million subscribers as of January ’23.

Place these URLs in your browser to visit his YouTube channel:

OR …


In Campbell’s own words from his YouTube channel:

“Hello Everyone,

My name is John Campbell and I am a retired Nurse Teacher and A and E nurse based in England. I also do some teaching in Asia and Africa when time permits. These videos are to help students to learn the background to all forms of health care. My PhD focused on the development of open learning resources for nurses nationally and internationally. LinkedIn profile,  ~ Twitter, ~ Facebook page,  ~ Disclaimer; These media including videos, book, e book, articles, podcasts are not peer-reviewed. They should never replace individual clinical judgement from your own health care provider. No media-based material on this channel is suitable for using as professional medical advice. All comments are also for educational purposed only and must never replace advice from your own health care provider.”

(Photo screenshot of Dr. Campbell from his YouTube channel, 1-5-23)


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