Top 10 Ascension Tools for Starseeds (article)

Written by Sri Jana (graphic image created by the author)

Seriously, what does ascension mean? Physical life gives us experiences and challenges. It gives us duality and choices. The amazing thing about life is that we always get an opportunity to try again, to repeat the lesson. However, this article is intended to help you win on the first try. To learn the lesson, to surmount the difficulty, manifest something better and raise your level of joyful life right now.

Ascension to 5D means you become a more multi-dimensional being. It does NOT mean spaceships will land and rescue you. Ascension doesn’t mean we die, however it doesn’t mean we won’t. Ascension could be “The Rapture”, a merging into Supreme Oneness. Or perhaps not. Maybe ascension means we’ll come perilously close to the end, like a NDE, a Near Death Experience. I’m pretty sure on the way we receive clear evidence. We see through the lies we were told. Yep, the ones we swallowed. Finally, we discover a key personal truth. We surrender – to the vast knowledge that has always been known. We open our eyes to love, to a miracle. I’ve heard that the vast color spectrum you’ll see in 5D is beyond beautiful! Perhaps for a moment suddenly everything is possible!

Ascension does mean we live as our Bigger True Self, which has always been a multi-dimensional being of unconditional love. We have a mind that comes from God and we live from that Consciousness. We serve others. We move into a higher level of awareness. In these strange times with reality shifting so fast, it seems we must re-calibrate and re-inspire every single day just to keep up. I’m going out on a limb here to suggest that ascension often happens slowly one painful step at a time in 3D. Then suddenly it takes a quantum shift in the blink of an eye, into a new form. Ascension means we consciously transport into a higher level of physical, mental, and spiritual wellbeing. What tools do we need to do that? Well, your personal path is unique, but one thing is certain: To move into a more refined state of being requires that we break out of the old ways, and embody a new higher frequency of joy in ourselves.

Practical Advice: The first and most important part of Ascension is that you must WANT it. You must ASK for it. You must INTEND it. You must EMPOWER yourself to take personal RESPONSIBILITY to reexamine your assumptions and adjust your perspective of reality, and dissolve illusions in order for change to happen. Trust your inner guidance.


Here are the Top 10 Ascension Tools for Starseeds:

1. Use your HEART and MIND to Manifest in the Material World

In 5D, your thoughts can manifest in the physical realm. We see creative children doing this every day in their imaginations when they play. This manifestation skill is shared by all successful people, usually applied to one’s personal life. However, very few people ever get beyond selfish manifesting for their own interests. We can train ourselves to manifest physically out of our hearts (without duality) while in 3D. How can we do that? As adults we can manifest gifts for others in acts of kindness and generosity. You can create physical events or wonderful things for deserving souls around you. Become a secret admirer of people in your community. Be the person that brings untold benefits, unbeknownst to them. Selfless generosity from the heart is a necessary part of this skill. You can practice it in simple ways. For example, you plan a birthday party for a friend. You knit a sweater for your partner. You make an art installation, design a new computer language, or create something of beauty that benefits all beings. You will meet many people from every religion and walk of life doing this. The ability to manifest with the mind gives you great power. Therefore, in higher dimensions you must use the power of the mind along with the heart. Use great care NOT to manifest or share negative thoughts that might hurt you or others. Because with this power you could cause great harm, even destroy yourself or your own universe.
“Manifesting with the HEART-MIND is the key. Once you know this key to creation, you also understand how to destroy. We can use our power to destroy collective nightmares, wars, and suffering. When we see them clearly and no longer cling to them, they fall away.” Sri Jana


2. Move Beyond Emotions and Limiting Beliefs

In 5D, emotions and limiting beliefs are considered distortions of truth and reality. You may observe an emotional reaction in yourself, and you can immediately correct it. You might notice in yourself that a belief you carry is being challenged. You do not react with fear or stubbornness, but relax that rigid part of yourself that’s holding onto something, and it vanishes. This is called intelligent learning in the moment. We could make a list of your tendencies. However, YOU know what they are for you. They’re your old habits of anger, disappointment, frustration, doubt, jealousy, worry, fear, etc. These are patterns you will face directly and leave behind. Whew! Good riddance! I know a few good people who are ANGRY all the time – therefore, sadly, they live and die locked in rigid anger. You can take the high road. You avoid the old emotional ruts, you discover balanced equanimity every day, no matter what the circumstances. This does NOT mean you are callous or numb. Instead, it means you are balanced, not controlled by your emotional reactions, not easily manipulated by your training, not incited to irrational actions. You observe your responses and bring them into harmony immediately. So, equanimity and balance are the new goal. There are no more excuses. If you want to ascend, this your job.


3. Take Responsibility for Your Health

You already know the primary elements of human health to enhance: Oxygen, Sunlight, Water, Rest, Joy, Sovereignty, etc. Become an observer of your body. Notice any imbalances and learn to correct them immediately to align with unconditional Love. You can do this with your mind, with your food, supplements, movement, environment, and many healing tools. You notice your diet and observe the effect that food has on your wellbeing. You can release cravings, addictions, and bad habits. You will take intelligent control of your mental and autonomic functions to embody a balanced microbiome and overall physical health. You will become a beautiful example of physical health, beauty, and harmony over a longer lifetime. How to do this? For example, if you notice your skin is dry, you might drink more water and apply coconut oil after bathing. If you feel a pain in your gut, you correct it with various changes in diet, movement, health practitioners, etc. until you succeed. Increased awareness is the number one key to all body healing. Diagnosis of a disease and intervention are always a last resort. However, your personal path is unique, therefore, you cannot judge your progress by comparing yourself to others.


4. Learn to Draw Energy from the Earth

In 5D, you can create balance in your body and heal yourself. How to do this? We learn to draw energy from the Earth. This will be a new skill for many of us as it is not discussed in schools. A few people do this naturally and enjoy health from it. How can we learn this? There are many ways. You can lie down on the Earth directly and begin to digest her nourishing energy. You can study Earthing and Grounding practices. If you are able to go lie in a crop circle, the Earth has been powerfully activated in these sites. Or you can sleep in a grounded bed made of 100% natural materials. Live in a completely natural house that is well situated in nature. Or you can practice Qigong standing on the ground, allowing your body to absorb energy coming in. This is your birthright. This is the fastest way to learn to draw Earth energy into the body. Practice Qigong and check out the art of Zhan Zhuang in the style of Master Lam Lam Cheung of London. (Since his classes are temporarily suspended, you can use his video at the bottom of the page.)


5. Be a Reflection of Harmony in Nature and Your Physical Environment.

If there is a lack of balance in your home, office, or community, or planet, you move to assist or rebalance. Since you love all of life, you care for your body, and you care for your physical surroundings. You maintain your home, your garden, your office. You clean your room and straighten your box of toys. This is simply taking responsibility for your environment.


6. Notice Your Energetic Environment.

Observe the ambience of the people around you. How harmonious are your relationships with family, friends, and colleagues? How clear are your boundaries and mutual respect in a group? This is not to judge yourself or others, but just to observe. Know that any issues indicate this is your next lesson or area of work. Hence, little imbalances are an invitation for you to look more carefully, to face issues before they become problematic, and to bring balance and stability. There is no judgement here, just taking responsibility for your environment.


7. Be Here Now. Be Present, Awake, Resilient, and Flexible.

The universe and our collective are changing. We are creating it right here, right now. It’s beautiful. In higher frequencies, we listen to our messages each moment in the energy field. We all receive non-random messages from the universe that are specifically intended for us. 5D requires us to be attentive to them. We are awake, flexible, and resilient. (Hint: That’s the opposite of angry, stuck, stagnant, stubborn and resistant.) Every new situation is an invitation for you to be open minded. You will be able to turn on a dime. It doesn’t matter what your old habits or your preferences were – forget about those. Failure to listen to each moment leads to a negative ending.


8. Strong, Sovereign, and Protected.

To be sovereign with clear psychic protection is your responsibility. This means you maintain your field of energy that emanates from your core. It protects you if you wish, from all negative, invasive harmful energies, physical or non-physical. We live in a multi-verse and there are many energies are around you. It is essential that you relate to them as a conscious being, not a victim. Become aware of Psychic Protection techniques, such as my blog article, “Why Psychic Protection?” Remember always that you are sovereign and your soul lives forever. No matter what your destiny, we will all die someday and how this happens is complex. Yes, it is true that we create our reality, however many other factors are involved so you are not the ONLY creator of your destiny. However, you can take comfort in knowing that you are always safe and universal laws always apply. This security makes it easier to face every situation with courage and joy, as if we prepare to go on a trip to a new adventure. Even death. If this should happen, be sure you’re thinking with love about the supreme ultimate creator at your moment of death.


9. Honor the Supreme Creator

I’m talking about God. YOUR God. This means you acknowledge a force far greater than yourself. We can make offerings and honor that force in our chosen way, with great reverence. Find a beautiful way to visualize your personal Supreme Power. Pray to this power even if you don’t fully understand it. You can pray specifically for what you want. Go ahead, say your prayer or intention out loud. I like to write it down, put a glass of water on top of the paper, and let them infuse and then drink the water ceremoniously to absorb that intention deep inside. We must acknowledge the higher powers – we are not alone in the universe. However, in order to navigate higher dimensions in the highest integrity, it is required that we open in deference to the Supreme Power and surrender to our highest destiny.


10. Guard Your Independent, Flexible Mind with Intuitive Discernment

In 5D you see beyond time and space. WOW! That means for example, if you visualize a tree, you might simultaneously view the seed, the seedling, the mature tree, the tree when it dies, and every tree in the universe – all at the same time! In 5D you might learn so many truths about the world we live in, truths that have been hidden. You might be interested in quantum computers, higher math, health, longevity, or travel to realms beyond time and space. In 5D your thoughts must be your own, meaning they’re not seeded by some authority that you believe blindly without thinking. You have five working senses and a 6th which is native intuition linking ALL the senses. When you use your 6th sense, your mind is flexible and powerful. You do not unhesitatingly accept everything you hear, and you definitely don’t buy into appearances of the limited five senses. You believe the five senses only after carefully testing over time against your intuitive 6th subtle sense.
That’s it! 10 Ascension Tools for Starseeds. Have a wonderful journey!
BTW, this reminds me of these wise words from the Buddha over 2,500 years ago:


“Do not believe something just because
You’ve heard it over and over,
Even if it’s a tradition, a rumor, a legend,
A sacred scripture, a logical analysis,
A probability, a thought,
Not based on someone’s intelligence, or your own opinion.
Only when you yourself know
Something is blameless,
Praised by the wise, and when put into practice
Leads to well-being and happiness.
Then you should believe and follow it.”


– The Buddha’s Words: Anguttara Nikaya 3.65, Kàlàma Sutta, 6th century BCE

Note: See informational video link about grounding called, “Zhan Zhuang – Standing Like a Tree” (by Master Lam Kam Chuen)

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