Tag Archive for: Painting from Soul

The Future of Teaching Art by Jane Evershed

    Written by Jane Evershed, School of The Living Arts dean and senior faculty member at the NewEarth University The Future of Teaching Art: The Overall State of the Visual Arts Today; Repairing Current Art-teaching Methods and Omissions; & Why Art is Important to Humanity’s Positive Conscious Evolution Note from the editorial team: Gratitude to the author for including

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Ascension is Possible NOW! by Jane Evershed

  An ocean of gratitude to Jane Evershed, NEU faculty member & dean of the School of The Living Arts, for gifting us with these writings: Ascension is Possible NOW! Click 7-pg PDF below: Ascension is possible NOW! Shared at the 15 January ’24 Lazarus Initiative (special event): Beyond the Kali Yuga | Countdown to Zero copy-paste URL to your browser:

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Thou Art, Art by Jane Evershed

  Thou Art, Art. by master artist Jane Evershed, longtime faculty member and dean of NEU’s School of the Living Arts – discipline of Sound & Music, Visual and Performing Arts Note: Gratitude to the author for sharing her beauty-full painting: Homo Spiritus Rearranging the Space/Time Continuum       Where have all the creatives gone? With the prohibitive cost

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