Written by Jane Evershed, School of The Living Arts dean and senior faculty member at the NewEarth University The Future of Teaching Art: The Overall State of the Visual Arts Today; Repairing Current Art-teaching Methods and Omissions; & Why Art is Important to Humanity’s Positive Conscious Evolution Note from the editorial team: Gratitude to the author for including
Tag Archive for: Painting from Soul
Ascension is Possible NOW! by Jane Evershed
An ocean of gratitude to Jane Evershed, NEU faculty member & dean of the School of The Living Arts, for gifting us with these writings: Ascension is Possible NOW! Click 7-pg PDF below: Ascension is possible NOW! Shared at the 15 January ’24 Lazarus Initiative (special event): Beyond the Kali Yuga | Countdown to Zero copy-paste URL to your browser:
Thou Art, Art by Jane Evershed
Thou Art, Art. by master artist Jane Evershed, longtime faculty member and dean of NEU’s School of the Living Arts – discipline of Sound & Music, Visual and Performing Arts Note: Gratitude to the author for sharing her beauty-full painting: Homo Spiritus Rearranging the Space/Time Continuum Where have all the creatives gone? With the prohibitive cost
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